Fausta 8th Aug

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Nie jestem pewna.
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I'm not sure.
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What date is today?
Dziś jest 8 sierpnia.
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Today's the 8th of August.
Wczoraj był 7 sierpnia.
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Yesterday was the 7th of August.
u mojej babci
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at my granny's
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a candle
pomyśl życzenie
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make a wish
zdmuchnąć świeczki
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to blow out the candles
to blow - blew - blown
Ona zdmuchnęła wczoraj 25 świeczek.
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She blew out 25 candles yesterday.
Jem teraz kanapkę.
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I'm eating a sandwich now.
Jesz teraz kanapkę?
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Are you eating a sandwich now?
Czy codziennie jesz kanapki?
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Do you eat sandwiches every day?
Ona codziennie je kanapki.
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She eats sandwiches every days.
Myślę, że moja siostra teraz gra.
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I think my sister is playing now.
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Spotkajmy się o północy.
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Let's meet at midnight.
Muszę posprzątać mój pokój
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I have to clean my room.
Mój tata musi posprzątać kuchnię.
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My dad HAS to clean the kitchen.
Ona ma kota.
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She has a cat.
Moja mama musi dzisiaj pracować.
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My mum has to work today.
to wszystko
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that's all
Potrafi grać w koszykówkę.
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He can play basketball.
Moja siostra umie czytać.
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My sister can read.
jeździć na rowerze
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to ride a bike
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