Fausta 3rd May (30 min)

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question réponse
Tęskniłeś za naszymi zajęciami?
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Did you miss our classes?
Dawno się nie widzieliśmy.
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Long time no see. / Long time.
Co nowego?
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What's new?
Po staremu. / U mnie nic nowego.
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Same old.
Gotowy do startu, start!
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Ready steady GO!
robić np. ciasto
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to make - made - made
Litwa to mały kraj w Europie.
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Lithuania is a small country in Europe.
Litwa jest blisko Polski.
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Lithuania is close to Poland.
Gram na skrzypcach.
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I play the violin.
jak często?
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how often?
Mówię po polsku/angielsku.
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I speak Polish / English.
Jaki jest twój ulubiony smak lodów?
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What's your favourite ice cream flavour?
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Ile lat ma twój brat?
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How old is your brother?
Masz jakieś zwięrzęta domowe?
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Do you have any pets? / Have you got any pets?

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