Fausta 29th Sept

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question réponse
wytrawne / niesłodkie naleśniki
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savoury pancakes
słodkie naleśniki
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sweet pancakes
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What's the filling?
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Co za bałagan!
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What a mess!
jechać na wycieczkę
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to go on a trip
Dokąd idziesz? / Dokąd jedziesz?
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Where are you off to?
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a museum
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Whereabouts do you live?
Do Wilna pojechaliśmy autobusem.
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We went to Vilnius by bus.
Z kim poszedłeś?
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Who did you go with?
Zajęło nam to 2 godziny.
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It took us 2 hours.
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around / about / approximately
półtorej godziny
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one and a half hours
półtora dnia
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one and a half days
pięć i pół tygodnia
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five and a half weeks
spędzić (czas)
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spend - spenT - spenT
Ile godzin spędziłeś w muzeum?
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How many hours did you spend in the museum?
to zależy od naszego nastroju
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it depends ON our mood
Ile czasu?
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How much time?
Ile masz pieniędzy? / Jak dużo masz pieniędzy?
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How much money do you have? / How much money have you got?
Ile minut?
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How many minutes?
Ile minut Ci to zajęło?
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How many minutes did it take you?
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a coin
Ile monet ma Twoja córka?
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How many coins does your daughter have? / How many coins has your daughter got?
Nie wydało mi się to interesujące.
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I didn't find it interesting.
Uważam, że prezentacja jest bardzo ciekawa.
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I find the presentation very interesting.
Wolisz zostać w domu czy wyjść dziś wieczorem?
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Would you rather stay at home or go out tonight?
I'd rather stay at home.
Wolisz obejrzeć film czy zagrać w szachy?
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Would you rather watch a film or play chess?
I'd rather watch a film
Wolisz grać w tenisa czy iść na basen?
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Would you rather play tennis or go to the pool?
I'd rather play tennis.

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