Fausta 28th Jan (30 min)

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Nie narzekam.
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I can't complain.
Wiele osób często narzeka na...
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Many people often complain about...
a price
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Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it? / How much does it cost? / What's the price of this?
Ten rower kosztuje tysiąc euro.
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This bike is a thousand euros.
to jest drogie
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it's expensive
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przeciwieństwo czegoś
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the opposite of sth
Black is the opposite of white.
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kilogram cukru
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a kilo of sugar
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worek soli
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a bag of salt
paczka chipsów
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a package of chips (US) / crisps (UK)
ryba z frytkami
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fish and chips
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French fries (US) / chips (UK)
Czytam książkę.
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I'm reading a book.
Nie czytam teraz książki.
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I'm not reading a book now.
Moja mama teraz nie gotuje.
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My mum is not cooking now.
Codziennie czytam książki.
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Every day I read books.
Moja siostra codziennie chodzi do szkoły.
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My sister goes to school every day.
Wczoraj przeczytałem książkę.
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Yesterday I read A book.
W zeszłym tygodniu moja mama ugotowała / zrobiła spaghetti.
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Last week my mum cooked / made spaghetti.
Czy lubisz gruszki?
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Do you like pears?
Czy chciałabyś gruszkę?
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Would you like a pear?
Czy chciałabyś jabłko?
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Would you like an apple?
Czy chciałbyś banana?
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Would you like a banana?

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