Fausta 26th Sept

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zachowywać się
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to behave
przepraszać kogoś za coś
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to apologise sb FOR sth
Myślę, że powinieneś ją przeprosić za wczoraj.
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I think you should apologise her for yesterday.
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an order
It sounded like an order.
zamówić coś
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to order sth
She ordered spaghetti.
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Do you have any advice for us?
radzić coś komuś
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to adviSe sb to do sth
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don't pronounce U in Saturday
różne rzeczy
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different things / different stuff
Czy ona ma dom w Wilnie?
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Has she got a house in Vilnius? / Does she have a house in Vilnius?
Ona nie ma kota.
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She doesn't have a cat. / She hasn't got a cat.
czas wolny
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free time / spare time
What do you do in your spare time?
Mam dużo wolnego czasu.
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I have (got) a lot of free time.
Moja siostra ma dużo zabawek.
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My sister has (got) a lot of toys.
Czy Twój najlepszy przyjaciel (jakiekolwiek) rodzeństwo?
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Does your best friend HAVE (any) siblings? / Has your best friend got any siblings?
Czy twoi rodzice mają jakieś problemy?
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Have you parents got any problems?
Kiedy dorosnę, chcę zostać dentystą.
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When I grow up, I want to be a dentist.
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a preschool
Moja siostra, gdy dorośnie, chce zostać nauczycielką w przedszkolu.
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My sister wants to be a preschool teacher when she growS up.
ale wczoraj chciała zostać lekarzem
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but yesterday she wantED to be a doctor
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