Fausta 12th Dec

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Chce poprawić swój angielski.
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She wantS to improve her English.
Moje córki nie jedzą teraz śniadania.
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My daughters aren't eatING breakfast now.
Byłem chory.
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I was sick.
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Poor you. / You poor thing.
Źle się czułam.
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I was under the weather.
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to vomit
Kilka razy wymiotowałam.
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I was sick a few times.
Miałem problem z brzuchem.
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I had a tummy bug.
Czy cały weekend leżałeś w łóżku?
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Did you stay in bed the entire weekend?
cały weekend
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the entire weekend / the whole weekend
Słuchałem audiobooka.
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I listened TO an audiobook.
Codziennie słucham audiobooków.
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I listen to audiobooks every day.
Czy słuchasz audiobooków codziennie?
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Do you listen to audiobooks every day?
Czy Twoja siostra słucha audiobooków po polsku?
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Does your sister listen to audiobooks in Polish?
Przesłuchałem Room on the Broom dwa razy.
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I listened TO Room on the Broom twice.
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a broom
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a witch
Nie podobała mi się ta historia.
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I didn't like the story.
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a hat
magiczna różdżka
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a magic wand
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a storm
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