Fairy land 3 unit 3 B Grandma's here

 0    9 fiche    anetaewa1976
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question réponse
1. We're home Lee
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1. Jesteśmy w domu Lee
2. Hello Lee. What's that?
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2. Cześć Lee. Co to jest?
3. Oh. It's a vase
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3. O. To wazon
4. A vase? They're flowers
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4. Wazon? To są kwiaty
5. Who's this pretty girl?
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5. Kim jest ta ładna dziewczyna?
6. This is my friend, Mona
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6. To moja przyjaciółka Mona
7. Look at the vase!
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7. Spójrz na wazon!
8. It's Ok now
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8. Teraz jest w porzadku teraz
9. You're welcome
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9. Nie ma za co!

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