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In which area did you do the laser? commencer à apprendre
In che zona hai fatto il laser?
commencer à apprendre
women tolerate pain better commencer à apprendre
le donne sopportano meglio il dolore
znieść coś np. bol commencer à apprendre
sopportare, ho sopportato
zabieg commencer à apprendre
twardy commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
wyrażenia commencer à apprendre
I really liked this book a lot commencer à apprendre
mi è piaciuto un casino/un sacco/ da morire questo libro
potoczne commencer à apprendre
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I work as a shop assistant commencer à apprendre
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rolka na YouTube commencer à apprendre
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Typical words of the Italian language commencer à apprendre
Parole tipiche della lingua Italiana
commencer à apprendre
charakterystyczne, szczególne, konkretny, wyjątkowy commencer à apprendre
In particolare = w szczególności
they are words in common use powszechnie uzywane commencer à apprendre
sono parole di uso comune
commencer à apprendre
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Che ci przypomniec commencer à apprendre
write to me on my channel commencer à apprendre
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so as not to miss any lessons commencer à apprendre
per non perdere nessuna lezione
commencer à apprendre
być w towarzystwie commencer à apprendre
an example with this word commencer à apprendre
un esempio con questa parola
posiłek składający się ze spaghetti commencer à apprendre
un pasto a base di spaghetti
commencer à apprendre
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can be used in a negative sense commencer à apprendre
può essere usata/o in senso negativo
żeby wskazać osobę commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
Don't trust Tina, she's just a chatterbox commencer à apprendre
non ti fidare di Tina, solo una chiacchierona
commencer à apprendre
meritare, avere meritato zasługiwac
nie jest wiarygodne commencer à apprendre
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He doesn't care about others commencer à apprendre
Non si preoccupa degli altri
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
I don't even help my friends commencer à apprendre
Non aiuto nemmeno i miei amici
I don't care about others commencer à apprendre
Non mi interessa degli altri
przywitany do commencer à apprendre
wiazac commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
it is used in a joking or critical tone commencer à apprendre
è usata/o in tono scherzoso o critico
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On public or private occasions przy okazjach publiczny i prywatnych commencer à apprendre
In occasioni pubbliche o private
madrala, cwaniak commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
I can get what I want with cunning mogę dostać co chce z przebiegłością, sprytem commencer à apprendre
riesco con l'astuzia a ottenere quello che voglio l'astuzia przebiegłość spryt, ottenere uzyskać, osiągnąć
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commencer à apprendre
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w czułym, kochającym tonie commencer à apprendre
You have hair on your legs commencer à apprendre
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nascondare, avere nascosto
so as not to give them to anyone commencer à apprendre
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an almost summery climate commencer à apprendre
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give away splendid Octobers commencer à apprendre
regalare di splendide ottobrate
commencer à apprendre
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breve gita all'aperto, in campania
commencer à apprendre
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do other activities outside commencer à apprendre
fare altre attività all'esterno
the footwear used at home commencer à apprendre
le. calzature che si usano a casa Non gli piace uscire di casa
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I'll be the first to know commencer à apprendre
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non gli andava=non gli va
I don't feel like it = I didn't feel like it commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
gdziekolwiek commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
he intends to come and visit me commencer à apprendre
ha intenzione di venire a trovarmi
nagranie commencer à apprendre
the voice message, I send a voice message commencer à apprendre
il messaggio vocale, mando un vocale
I offered him to = I proposed to him to commencer à apprendre
gli offerto di = gli ho proposto di
As soon as I go to Rome I will visit the Vatican commencer à apprendre
Non appena andrò a Roma visiterò il Vaticano
As soon as I finish the book I will buy another one commencer à apprendre
Non appena finirò il libro ne comprerò un altro
As long as I keep eating I will never lose weight commencer à apprendre
finchè continuerò a mangiare non dimagriro mai
until you study Polish you will never get good results commencer à apprendre
finchè non studi polacco non avrai mai buoni risultati
Regardless of appearance she is a very shy girl commencer à apprendre
a prescindere dall'apparenza è una ragazza molto timida
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commencer à apprendre
znaczenie commencer à apprendre
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make fun of you like this commencer à apprendre
prenderti in giro in questo modo
I won't waste any more of your time commencer à apprendre