expressions with time

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tracić dużo czasu
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waste a lot of time
oszczędzić czas
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save time
zabić czas
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kill time
nie spiesz sie
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take your time
nadrobic stracony czas
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make up for lost time
zajela mi (duzo czasu)
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take me a long time
dać komuś nauczkę
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give me a hard time
stracic czas
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spare the time
zabiera mi czas
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take up all my time
niezapomniany czas
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have the time of your life
zabraknie nam czasu
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spend too long
skonczy sie czas
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run out of time
grać na czas
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play for time
nie z mojej epoki
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before my time
w momencie
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by the time
w tym czasie
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at the time
czas wolny
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time off
na czas
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in time
od czasu do czasu
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from time to time
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at times
o kazdej porze od... do...
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any time from... to...
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behind the times
jedna rzecz na raz
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one thing at a time
w mgnieniu oka
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in no time
przed czasem
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with time to spare
caly czas
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the whole time
czas minal
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time’s up
malo czasu
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short of time
duzo czasu wolnego
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get time on my hands
na ten moment
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for the time being
kwestia czasu
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a matter of time
czas dla siebie
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me time
nie zostalo wiele czasu
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There isn’t much time left
o tej porze za tydzien
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this time next week
najwyzszy czas
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it’s about time
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