Exotic Fruit Reviews

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question réponse
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smakować / próbować
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to taste
rzygowiny, rzygi
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It tastes like barf
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to throw up - threw up - thrown up
zakrztusić się
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to gag
mieć misję
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to be on a mission to do sth
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to review sth
moja codzienna praca
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my day job
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a contortionist
wyszukać coś w googlu
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to google sth
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to find - found - found
dokumentować coś
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to document sth
egzotyczny owoc
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exotic fruit
w ciekawy sposób
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in an interesting way
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to śmierdzi gorzej niż moje stopy
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it smells worse than my feet
jadalny owoc
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an edible fruit
różnorodny, rozmaity, odmienny, zróżnicowany
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las deszczowy
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a rainforest
ścinać (np. las)
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to cut sth down
w celu zrobienia czegoś
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in order to do sth
uprawiać coś
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to grow sth
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i podobne rzeczy
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and stuff like that
popyt na coś
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a demand for sth
uratować coś przed czymś
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to save sth from sth
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to destroy - destroyed - destroyed
dobry wynik
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good score

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