exam - grammar

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question English réponse English
groups of people
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mountain range
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groups of islands
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groups of people
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exceptions - places
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at school, by train, to hospital, at work,
exceptions - instruments
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play the guitar, piano
exceptions - time of day
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in the morning, afternoon, evening
country - plural
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the USA, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic
family surname
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titles of newspapers, cinemas, hotels, ships, institutions
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exceptions - newspapers
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Newsweek, Time
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wyspy kanaryjskie
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the Canary Islands
Wyspy Bahama
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the Bahamas
Kanał Sueski
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the Suez Canal
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the Alps
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the Tatras
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the Himalayas
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the Sahara
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the Gobi
Środkowy Wschód
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the Middle East
epoka kamienna
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the Stone Age
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the Middle Ages
wojna w Wietnamie
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the Vietnam War
places - without the
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at work, at school, to work, to school, to prison,
places - with the
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to the theater, cinema, shop
If we miss - 1 conditional
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If we should miss, If by any chance we miss, Should we miss, If we happen to miss
Please wait here and I will check if the boss js ready - polite
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If you wait here, I will check if the boss is ready, would - would, would - will
domagać się, If you will smoke, you will suffer
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If you insist on Smoking, you will suffer
but for your help - 2
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But for your help, I would be homeless nów, If it weren't for your help, Were it not for your help, Were it not for the fact that you helped me
But for your help - 3
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If it hadn't been for your help, I would have gone, Had it not been for your help
If she refuses to give up smoking
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If she won't give Up smoking

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