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Wiązka laserowa
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laser beam
oś pionowa
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vertical axis
oscylujące lustro
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oscillating mirror
odbija się
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dane krytyczne
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critical data
kąt poziomy
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horizontal angle
ruchome lustro
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moving mirrow
współrzędna pozycja
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coordinate position
chmura punktów
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point cloud
model punktowy
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point model
it determines verticality
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it links an instrument wirh a tripod
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a device used to hold an object in a fixed position
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an element of a total station used to move the telescope
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telescope tanget screw
it changes horizontal angles to vertical angles
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ring switch
it is used in an optical instrument for sighting or calibration
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a laser device that determines quickly the distance
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distance meter
an element of a total station used to roughly level the instrument
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circular spirit level
the height of a place abovr sea level
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the horizontal and vertical dimensional og land surface
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terrein or topography
a kind of a coordinate system used to
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a kind od map which is very general and might be sketched on a piece of paper
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topological map
a kind of map which shows earths landforms and bodies water
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physical mapa
a kind of map which shows boundaries which divide countries
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political map
lines on mapa that connect of equal data value
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contour line
the kind of terrain which is indicalated on a map by lines whoch are close together
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sleep terrain
teren nieuzbrojony
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an undeveloped area/site
dom szeregowy
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a terraced house
zabudowana działka
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a built-up plot
Dom bliźniak
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a semi detached house
uzbrojenie techniczne
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grunt budowlany
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building area
ściany działowe
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partition walls
instalacje i wyposażenie
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fixtures and fittings

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