Ewa D. 20th June (45 min)

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największa strata czasu
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the biggest of waste of time
największa strata pieniędzy
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the biggest waste of money
iść na spotkanie
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to go TO a meeting
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Nie mam czasu na hobby.
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I don't have time for hobbies.
do NOT say: for A hobbies
w tym roku
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this year
do NOT say: IN this year
w tym miesiącu
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this month
do NOS say: IN this month
w tym tygodniu
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this week
do NOT say: IN this week
Nie zwracaj uwagi na ten hałas.
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Don't pay attention TO this noise.
do NOT say: pay attention ON sth
To zależy od moich rodziców.
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It dependS ON my parents.
w piątek rano
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ON Friday morning
w czwartek po południu
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ON Thursday afternoon
w środę wieczorem
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ON Wednesday evening
z rana
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IN the morning
po południu
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IN the afternoon
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IN the evening
w nocy
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AT night
Musiałam pójść do pracy.
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I had to go TO work.
Musiałam posprzątać kuchnię.
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I had to clean the kitchen.
Byliśmy wykończeni.
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We WERE exhausted.
W czwartek rano poszliśmy na spacer.
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On Thursday morning we went for a walk.
zazdrosny mąż
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a jealous husband
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a building
Moi rodzice kupili to, gdy miałam 18 lat.
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My parents bought it when I was 18.
Przykro mi z powodu Twojej straty.
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I'm sorry for your loss.
On zmarł na raka.
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He died FROM cancer.
Ona ma mniej więcej 35 lat.
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She's in her mid thirties.
He's in his late eighties.
I'm in my early forties.
W piątek obudziałam się o 6.
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On Friday I WOKE UP at 6.
porównywać coś do czegoś / kogoś
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to compare sth TO sth
Don't compare yourself to others.
Przestań krzyczeć na mnie.
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Stop shouting AT me.
Nie krzycz na mnie.
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Don't shout AT me.
Przestań narzekać na pogodę.
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Stop complaining ABOUT the weather.
Nie narzekaj na pogodę.
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Don't complain ABOUT the weather.
W zeszłym tygodniu zjadłam osiem jabłek.
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Last week I ATE eight apples.
W zeszłym miesiącu przeczytałam czerwoną książkę.
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Last month I read a red book.
O której obudziałaś się?
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What time did you WAKE up?
Obudziłam się o 7.
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I WOKE up at 7.
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Ona jest chora na raka.
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She's SICK with cancer.
Chcę polepszyć / poprawić mój angielski.
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I want TO IMPROVE my English.
dogodny / wygodny
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I'll call back at a more convenient time.
A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns.
trzymaj tak dalej
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keep it up

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