Ewa 26th Jan (45 min)

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question réponse
Czy jesteś pewna?
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Are you certain / sure?
Baw się dobrze!
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Have fun!
Czy dobrze się bawiłeś?
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Did you have a good time? / Did you have fun?
do końca miesiąca
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by the end of the month
serial telewizyjny
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a tv series
This is my favourite tv series.
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I don't have enough strength to lift this box.
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na szczęście
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luckily / fortunately
Luckily, they managed to save their car.
dać radę
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to give advice
żałować czegoś
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to regret doing sth
I regret kissing him.
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to gossip
Stop gossiping.
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an act (of law)
być na bieżąco z czymś
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to keep up-to-date with sth
Our magazine will keep you up to date with fashion.
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dotrzymać terminu
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to meet the deadline
It will be a struggle to meet the deadline.
Postanowiłem NIE jechać do Niemiec.
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I decided NOT to go to Germany.
Oni ciągle do mnie dzwonią.
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They keep calling me.
Ciągle zapominam o twoich urodzinach.
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I keep forgetting about your birthday.
osiągnąć coś
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to achieve sth
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an achievement
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