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rozsądny, realistyczny, osiągalny commencer à apprendre
reasonable, reasonable pay, offer
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acknowledge, I acknowledged that it was my fault, Will you acknowledge him as your son
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artificial, She welcomed me with an artificial smile.
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It's not enough to tie together a couple of wooden planks
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dashing, John is a dashing young man.
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wind up, Let's wind up this meeting and go to lunch
rozłupać, roztrzaskać, ale też otworzyć commencer à apprendre
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move away, Put your hands on your head and move away from the door
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to chase, The cat chased the mouse.
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stakeout, his is just like that federal bank stakeout last year.
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świadek, dawać świadectwo commencer à apprendre
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obejctive, let's focus on a generał objective
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rough, It was a rough time for me, I had some serious problems.
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cutting-edge, The heart transplant was a cutting-edge procedure
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fertile, Reports show that men are more fertile in the winter
wymysł, urojenie, mrzonka commencer à apprendre
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downhill, The job went well at first, but then I got sick and it's been downhill ever since
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expiraton, The expiration of this law is scheduled for the end of the year
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capture, I managed to capture this beautiful sunset!
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tackle, The company has to tackle the crisis.
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adversity, These kids have to learn how to deal with adversity.
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dignity, We do all know that each human has their dignity.
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awkward, I'm usually awkward at parties
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shun, He was shunned by his colleagues
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dissuade, He tried to dissuade me from jumping off the cliff.
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sustain, I tried to sustain the conversation, but he was just too boring.
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esteem, I esteem your effort, but it was unnecessary.
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ocena zdolności kredytowej commencer à apprendre
odwrócić się, odmówić pomocy commencer à apprendre
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decent, Is five hundred dollars a month a decent salary?
znosić coś, nadawać sobie radę commencer à apprendre
carry on, I'm not sure if we're going to be able to carry on in this situation.
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Weź coś z przymrużeniem ok commencer à apprendre
Take sth with a pinch od salt
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odliczanie przed startem rakiety commencer à apprendre
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mądrość wynikająca z doświadczenia commencer à apprendre
wisdom gained from experience
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Obrócić się wokół własnej osi commencer à apprendre
szczypta dreszczyku emocji commencer à apprendre
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okres poprzedzający np. (egzamin) commencer à apprendre
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wpaść w kłopoty, wpaść w kłopoty commencer à apprendre
run into trouble, get into trouble
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fly off the handle, fly into an anger
niezrównoważona psychicznie osoba commencer à apprendre
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striking, There is striking similarity between them.
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w przeciwieństwie do, nieprawdopodobny commencer à apprendre
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wytrącić kogoś z równowagi = zmylić kogoś commencer à apprendre
throw sb off = confuse sb
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być w stanie coś zrozumieć, ogarnąć coś commencer à apprendre
get one's head around sth
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dobrowolny seks, za zgodą commencer à apprendre
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prosperować, rozwijać się commencer à apprendre
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