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tracic czas na zbedne sprawy
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She capitalised on her knowledge and experience to get a better job commencer à apprendre
obrocic na wlasna korzysc
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what do you intend to do? commencer à apprendre
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The group is comprised of 20 police officers. commencer à apprendre
state-of-the-art technology commencer à apprendre
We can predict changes with a surprising degree of accuracy. commencer à apprendre
Girls outperform boys now at every level commencer à apprendre
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This function is imperative when it comes to executing program. commencer à apprendre
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It's not always a good idea to delve too deeply into every single function in Python commencer à apprendre
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in terms of number / with respect to number commencer à apprendre
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I try hard to comprehend the theory which stands for Neural Networks commencer à apprendre
throw sb in at the deep end commencer à apprendre
rzucać SB na głęboką wodę
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when all is said and done commencer à apprendre
kiedy wszystko jest powiedziane i zrobione
I'll do it for you at hand. commencer à apprendre
It's high time to recap the whole project commencer à apprendre
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Jane and Frank were seventeen and sixteen years old respectively commencer à apprendre
Under the terms of purchasing the software, we are obliged to put down the deposit commencer à apprendre
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This instructions are explicity worded commencer à apprendre
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najbardziej wysunięty na lewo/prawo
This particular part of the code is notable. commencer à apprendre
they have devised a cure for this illness commencer à apprendre
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What does this symbol denote? commencer à apprendre
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It didn't hurt me. indeed, it helped me a little. commencer à apprendre
w rzeczy samej / istotnie
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A water wheel will be introduced as the centrepiece of the project. commencer à apprendre
You need to obtain your tutor's signature under this document. commencer à apprendre
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There was a substantial difference in price as well. commencer à apprendre
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Drinking wine was a prevalent custom in ancient India. commencer à apprendre
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iterate over more than one list commencer à apprendre
iteruj na więcej niż jednej liście
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the lesson to take away from this commencer à apprendre
lekcja, którą należy z tego wyciągnąć
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The robot's capability for learning is virtually endless. commencer à apprendre
Unlike a painting, a photograph is an infinitely reproducible image. commencer à apprendre
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objective of this powerful technique commencer à apprendre
celem tej potężnej techniki
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The invoice is attached to the email. commencer à apprendre
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The K refers to the number of clusters commencer à apprendre
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Ground truth is a term used in various fields to refer to information provided by direct observation commencer à apprendre
oparte na bezpośredniej obserwacji
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This class is quite compound object. commencer à apprendre
I was really astonished when I was said that they are engaged. commencer à apprendre
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This particular algorithm is really time-consuming. commencer à apprendre
The date here of 1812 makes no sense, so is likely to be a typo for 1818? commencer à apprendre
feed this new data into the model commencer à apprendre
wprowadź nowe dane do modelu
The seasonality in this data is readily apparent. commencer à apprendre
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She was a great student, she stood out from the rest. commencer à apprendre
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The data obtained as a results of a process called data tidying. commencer à apprendre
The concentration of smog in Cracow is on the rise. commencer à apprendre
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Before you get down to the analysis, you should retrieve some samples. commencer à apprendre
gather some information on your data commencer à apprendre
zebrać trochę informacji o twoich danych
commencer à apprendre
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moga byc interesujące dla Ciebie
commencer à apprendre
zapoznaj się z tą funkcją
commencer à apprendre
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distinguish one thing from another thing commencer à apprendre
Wyróżnij jedną rzecz z innej rzeczy
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As a scientist, I would examine every facet of this case. commencer à apprendre
One could almost hypothesize that there are 3 clusters in this dataset. commencer à apprendre
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The number of observations is retained in each bin. commencer à apprendre
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Paper is still made in the traditional way, namely by hand. commencer à apprendre
She could see only a silhouette of him in the dark. commencer à apprendre
far and away the most popular commencer à apprendre
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One problem with word sense disambiguation is deciding what the senses are. commencer à apprendre
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linia pełna (nieprzerywana)
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ulec pokusie zrobienia czegoś
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pattern occurred in the training data commencer à apprendre
wzór pojawił się w danych treningowych
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spojrzeć pod wiekszym kątem
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learn incrementally on the fly commencer à apprendre
uczyć się stopniowo w locie
My family preserves all of the old traditions of our grandfathers. commencer à apprendre
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Tell me if my inference gets illogical. commencer à apprendre
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They've had a couple of problems to tackle. commencer à apprendre
radzenia sobie z problemami
Segment your customers into multiple groups. commencer à apprendre
Would you like a cup of coffee along with that cake? commencer à apprendre
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Their estimates are off by more than 20% commencer à apprendre
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I'm in charge of this company. commencer à apprendre
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kwalifikacje / referencje
commencer à apprendre
A cell is executed in Jupyter Notebook commencer à apprendre
The data is scaled and capped at 15 commencer à apprendre
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In probability theory, heavy-tailed distributions are probability distributionswhose tails are not exponentially bounde commencer à apprendre
Your brain is highly prone to overfitting commencer à apprendre
You may stumble upon some seemingly interesting pattern in the test data commencer à apprendre
Set the part of your data aside as a test set commencer à apprendre
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przy pierwszym uruchomieniu
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Let's calculate a proximity to the cluster centres. commencer à apprendre
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host of other information commencer à apprendre
mnóstwo innych informacji
commencer à apprendre
Excess kurtosis is determined by subtracting 3 from the kurtosis. commencer à apprendre
peakedness of distribution commencer à apprendre
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But in the long run, the numbers are likely to even out. commencer à apprendre
Our robot can virtually do anything. commencer à apprendre
She gave me an ambiguous answer. commencer à apprendre
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w najlepszym razie - w najgorszym
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The best thing about this device is that it has a practically unlimited mileage. commencer à apprendre
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Let's revert to the beggining. commencer à apprendre
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At least he had a clear mind and expressed himself concisely. commencer à apprendre
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Is the performance measure aligned with the business objective? commencer à apprendre
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How well a model will generalize to new cases? commencer à apprendre
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This attachment is a complement to my paper. commencer à apprendre
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By columns; one column at a time commencer à apprendre
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łatwy w zarządzaniu rozmiar
commencer à apprendre
Sound travels considerably faster through water than through air. commencer à apprendre
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The buildings were dark and utterly silent commencer à apprendre
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Reduce the number of dimensions down to two. commencer à apprendre
The curse of dimensionality commencer à apprendre
Przekleństwo wymiarowości
There are sparse data on the role of private practice in Iraq. commencer à apprendre
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The noonday sun poured down its rays perpendicularly into it. commencer à apprendre
She resembles her mother. commencer à apprendre
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project it onto hyperplane commencer à apprendre
zrzutuj na hiperpłaszczyznę
commencer à apprendre
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lekceważone w dopasowaniu
commencer à apprendre
utrzymane w transformacji
commencer à apprendre
make it zero mean and unit std error commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
zapuścić się w swiat Pythona
step out of a comfort zone commencer à apprendre
chain several steps together commencer à apprendre
łączyć kilka kroków razem
commencer à apprendre
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get to the next algorithm commencer à apprendre
wziąć na warsztat kolejny algorytm
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prawdopodobieństwo posteriori
Costs amount to $1.5 million. commencer à apprendre
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radzenie sobie z problemami
commencer à apprendre
punkt przeciecia prostej z osia wspolrzednych
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I wrote this program by means of embedded function. commencer à apprendre
A second problem is the erratic nature of trade, especially in oil. commencer à apprendre
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n / a nie można zastosować
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uphill linear relationship commencer à apprendre
downhill linear relationship commencer à apprendre
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They successfully managed to factorize 21. commencer à apprendre
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The Singular Value Decomposition is a highlight of linear algebra. commencer à apprendre
Computing the eigendecomposition is an expensive operation, especially as increases. commencer à apprendre
rozkład macierzy na wektory i wartości własne
commencer à apprendre
Utajona analiza semantyczna
commencer à apprendre
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dodać do łańcucha 2 algorytmy
in a fraction of a second commencer à apprendre
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each and every instance in the dataset commencer à apprendre
każda jeden przyklad w zbiorze danych
there are a few rules of thumb to keep in mind. commencer à apprendre