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gather, Why have we gathered here?
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izba zatrzymań młodocianych commencer à apprendre
juvenile detention center
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Indistinctive, unremarkable
zwyciężać, odnosić sukces commencer à apprendre
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system sądowniczy (Henry 2) commencer à apprendre
zaczynać być, zmieniać się commencer à apprendre
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in spite of the fact that
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even though/if/when, even though she helps him, he doesnt appreciate it.
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not only..., but also/ not only..., but as well
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the quick answer is nobody knows
nic innego (w przeczeniach i pytaniach) commencer à apprendre
nic innego (w twierdzeniach) commencer à apprendre
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ground in, practical strategies grounded in CBT principles
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accuracy, The accuracy of these calculations must be verified.
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challenge, She would constantly challenge my authority
kontrolować coś, być na bieżąco, śledzić coś commencer à apprendre
keep track of sth, This application will help you to keep track of your project
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Let's set the date of the rehearsal
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enable, My wife enabled me to continue my work.
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Puck Up, The wind is picking up, let's go home.
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flow, The current flowed smoothly and no breakdown occurred.
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a crew, Christopher Columbus was upset about the fact that his crew wanted to turn back.
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jar, I couldn't open the jar.
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to crawl, She crawled to the phone
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get over, We want to get this over with as soon as possible.
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neat, He always looks neat in his white shirt and black tie.
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zawdzięczający wszystko samemu commencer à apprendre
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come Apart, The business came apart quite quickly.
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regard, She doesn't regard my feelings, I regard him for his work.
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wzrosnąć, lekko pójść w górę commencer à apprendre
go up a notch, My opinion of her has recently gone up a notch.
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