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niezależność / niepodległość commencer à apprendre
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zapewniać/ dostarczać / umożliwiać commencer à apprendre
They provided food for refugees. We provided political support for them.
na poziomie międzynarodowym commencer à apprendre
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What influence does the war have on your region?
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implement / implementation When did you implement this project?
przedkładać / składać np. dokumenty commencer à apprendre
You have to submit these documents next weekend the latest.
przedłożenie/ dostarczenie commencer à apprendre
otwarty nabór (np. wniosków) commencer à apprendre
open call (for proposals)
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financing/ funding opportunities
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He acquired these skills when he worked abroad.
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Knowledge exchange / student exchange
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intergenerational dialogue
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principle of subsidiarity