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to scold or say exactly what you think about that person (when you have a negative opinion of them)?. Regañar.
Quito got (t- - - off) for talking in class.
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told off - - - Quito got (told off) for talking in class.
Tell off... to scold or say exactly what you think about that person (when you have a negative opinion of them). Regañar.
to ignore or to pretend not to hear?. Ignorar.
I (tu- - out) when my wife starts nagging me.
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TUNE (someone/something) OUT. ------- I (tuned out) when my wife starts nagging me. --- tune (someone/something) out.
I (tuned out) when my wife starts nagging me. --- tune (someone/something) out.
to challenge or confront the person, especially about something they are doing wrong?. Confrontar a alguien, Llamarle la atención a alguien, afrontar alguien, ponerse al pedo, retar.
Trump was (ca- - out) by the republicans with the biggest crisis of his political life. ------ call someone out.
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CALL (someone) OUT ------ Trump was (called out) by the republicans with the biggest crisis of his political life. ------ call someone out.
CALL (someone) OUT ------ Vannesa got sick and tired of being treated badly, so she finally called her boss out.------ call (someone) out.
to reveal a secret or share information that was meant to be kept hidden?. Revelar un secreto.
How did Lety Calderón is planning a surprise party without (le - - - g on) to her husband?.
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Let on ------- How did Lety Calderón is planning a surprise party without (letting on) to her husband?.
How did Maggy plan the surprise party without (letting on) to her husband?.
to complain loudly and angrily?. Despotricar, empezar a gritar e insultar como loco.
Jane has clearly had a bad day; she's been (ra - -) for half an hour now without stopping.
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ranting ----- Jane has clearly had a bad day; she's been (ranting) for half an hour now without stopping.
RANT or RANT AND RAVE---- Luis Gutierrez was ranting and raving about the injustice of the situation.--- to rant. or rant and rave.
Manifestar su oposición sobre algo. speaking publicly about controversial issues?.
Some American people (sp- - out) about Illegal immigration.
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Speak out About/Against. - - - - Some American people (speak out) about Illegal immigration. --- speak out about/against.
Speak out About/Against. ------ Many people speak out against domestic violence. --- speak out about/against.
Estar con la misma cantaleta, machacar con lo mismo. to talk incessantly about something?.
I don't see why you Essy have to keep (ha- - - on) about money.
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Harp on ----- I don't see why you Essy have to keep (harping on) about money. ------- harp on.
Hector is always harping on about more and more production. ---- harp on.
Defender a. sacar la cara por, dar la cara por. to defend or support someone or something.
When the bullies came around, kike (st- - up for) his little brother.
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STICK UP FOR (someone). ---- When the bullies came around, kike (stuck up for) his little brother. ---- stick up for (someone).
STICK UP FOR (someone). ------- When the bullies came around, Omero stuck up for his little sister. ------- stick up for (someone).
Confesar, escupir algo. to confess; admit you did something bad/wrong?.
It’s time to (fe- - up) did you spend all that money?.
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FESS UP ------- It’s time to fess up did you spend all that money?. ------- fess up.
FESS UP ------- Haha, come on Vanessa, fess up! What’d you do?. ---- fess up.
Puntualizar, señalar, remarcar. call attention to a particular fact.
The tour guide (po - - ed out) the historical monuments as the bus drove past them. ---- point out.
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POINT OUT ---- The tour guide (pointed out) the historical monuments as the bus drove past them. ---- point out.
POINT OUT ------- I just pointed out that I’ve been with the company for two years and my boss doesn’t need to spell out every single task as if I were a child. ------- point out.
Decir las cosas sin pensalas, hablar bajo un impulso, hablar sin pensar, desembuchar. to say something quickly and spontaneously, often without thinking?.
Will you marry me?. Suddenly Juan Pablo (bl- - - out).
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blurt out. --- Will you marry me?. Suddenly Juan Pablo (blurted out). ------ blurt out.
BLURT OUT ------ To his mother's horror, The doctor blurted out all the details of her illness. ------ blurt out.
Entrometerse, meterse. to suddenly enter and interrupt a conversation (often when you are not particularly welcome in that conversation)?.
Essy Please stop (bu- - in). You'll have a turn to speak.
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BUTT IN ------ Essy Please stop (butting in). You'll have a turn to speak.--- butt in.
BUTT IN ------ The interviewer kept butting in and wouldn't let me answer the question. ------ butt in.
to mind your own business?. No te metas.
This has nothing to do with you! I wish you would just (b- - out)!.
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BUT OUT. ---- This has nothing to do with you! I wish you would just butt out! ....... BUT OUT.
bottle cap.
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bottle cap.
Asaltar a mano armada, robar a mano armada. to carry out armed robbery on) ?.
Mister Bean is in jail because he attempted to (st - - up) a local bank.
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STICK UP ------ A gang (stuck up) a bank in New York city last week. ----------- STICK UP.
Esplicar muy detalladamente. describe or explain it very carefully in a detailed and meticulous way?.
It’s frustrating when you have to (sp- - everything out) for new employees.
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Spell out ------ It’s frustrating when you have to (spell everything out) for new employees. ---- spell something out.
I just pointed out that I’ve been with the company for two years and my boss doesn’t need to spell out every single task as if I were a child. ---- spell something out.

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