Español nuevo

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question réponse
We stay home and play console
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Nos quedamos en casa y jugamos a la consola
How I signed up for the health service
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Como me di de alta en el servicio de salud
Nobody got mad at anybody
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Nadie se enfadó con nadie
It's hard to turn water into a soda
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Es difícil convertir el agua en un refresco
He took a bottle of water and did a magic trick on us
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El cogió una botella de agua y nos hizo truco de magia
There is no need to be sad or angry
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No hay que quedarse triste o enfadarse
We don't want to make the situation worse
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No queremos empeorar la situación
My brother got sick
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Mi hermano se puso malo
When you get sick you have to have a very strict diet
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Cuando te pones malo tienes que tener dieta muy estricta
He is not fat nor is he thin
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El no está gordo tampoco esta delgado
We knock on the door but no one answers
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Llamamos a la puerta pero nadie responde
Nobody gets nervous
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Nadie se pone nervioso
Being late is normal in my group of friends
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Llegar tarde es normal en mi grupo de amigos
We realized it was late
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Nos dimos cuenta de que era tarde
Have you gone vegan? I have become a vegetarian.
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Te has hecho vegano? Me he hecho vegetariano.
I stayed calm
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Me quedé tranquilo
You haven't dressed yet
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Todavía no te has vestido
I was getting nervous because you take 20 more minutes
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Estaba poniendo nervioso por que tú tardas 20 minutos más
I was left with my mouth open. What shamelessness
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me quedé con la boca abierta. Qué poca vergüenza
I come to your house and you are not dressed
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Vengo a tu casa y no estas vestido
Getting handsome means that you dress up, dress well, shave and perfume yourself
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Ponerse guapo es que te arreglas, te vistes bien, te afeitas y te perfumes
Everything is upside down
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Todo esta patas arriba
I need to sign up for this course
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Necesito inscribirme en este curso
The first step you have to take is to register in the health system
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El primer paso que tienes que dar es registrarte en el sistema sanitario
I saw them in passing
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Los vi de pasada
My student wrote me a message saying that he thought it was a good idea to talk about health
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Mi estudiante me escribió un mensaje donde me decía que le parecía buena idea hablar sobre la sanidad
I am going to tell you how I signed up for this school
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Os voy a contar como me di de alta en esta escuela
Registering is a simple procedure
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Darse de alta es un simple trámite
Since I was little I have always had private insurance
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Desde pequeño siempre he tenido un seguro privado
My children have been included in my insurance
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Mis hijos han estado incluido en mi seguro
I am self-employed and therefore I pay my contribution to Social Security
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Soy trabajador autónomo y por lo tanto pago mis impuestos a la Seguridad Social
I needed to request a leave from my job
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Necesité solicitar una baja en mi trabajo
Outpatient clinics are in small and medium-sized cities
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Los ambulatorios están en las pequeñas y medianas ciudades
my neck started to hurt because I spend many hours sitting
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empezó a dolerme el cuello porque paso muchas horas sentadas
It hurt so much that I couldn't work
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Me dolía tanto que no podía trabajar
My neck hurt a lot
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Me dolió muchísimo el cuello
I went to the GP
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Fui al médico de cabecera
You are not registered
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No estás dado de alta
You have to do paperwork
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Hay que hacer papeleo
You have to do a lot of paperwork
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Hay que hacer muchos trámites
I live right next to the town hall
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Vivo justo al lado del ayuntamiento
They ask you for different types of information
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Te solicitan distintos tipos de información
They required different types of documents
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Me requerían distintos tipos de documentos
Before being the prosecutor, he had worked many years ago in different companies
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Antes de ser el fiscal había trabajado hace muchos años en diferentes empresas
The third requirement was to have a Polish address
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El tercer requisito era tener un domicilio polaco
therefore I met all the requirements to fill out all the paperwork
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por lo tanto yo cumplía con todos los requisitos para rellenar todo el papeleo
Palace things always go slow
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Las cosas de palacio siempre van despacio
The registration process in your city goes very slowly
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El proceso de empadronamiento en tu ciudad va muy despacio
But in my case it was not like that
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Pero en mi caso no fue así
I went to the information window where there was a very nice lady
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Me acerqué a la ventanilla de información donde había una señora muy simpática
I waited 20 minutes in the waiting room
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Esperé 20 minutos en la sala de espera.
I already have a family doctor assigned
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Ya tengo asignada una médica de cabecera
She will prescribe me certain medication
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Ella me recetará cierta medicación
I need to make an appointment with my GP
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Necesito pedir cita con mi médica de cabecera
That is the process you have to follow
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Eso es el proceso que tienes que seguir
I hope you keep listening to this podcast
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Espero que sigas escuchando este podcast
During the meditation I focus on my breathing
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Durante la meditación me concentro en mi respiración
Deep meditation helps you calm your nerves
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La meditación profunda te ayuda a calmar tus nervios
The objective of mindfulness is to achieve a deep state of consciousness free of judgments about our sensations, feelings or thoughts,
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El objetivo del mindfulness es lograr un profundo estado de conciencia libre de juicios sobre nuestras sensaciones, sentimientos o pensamientos,
The objective is to pay attention to what is happening inside us at all times.
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El objetivo es prestar atención a lo que acontece en nuestro interior en cada momento.
Mindfulness is a meditation technique that consists of observing reality in the present moment, without intentions to judge
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Mindfulness es una técnica de meditación que consiste en observar la realidad en el momento presente, sin intenciones de juzgar
You imagine that you’re inside of the balloon which is growing
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Te imaginas que estás dentro del globo que va creciendo
How to open the chakras of the human body
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Cómo abrir las chacras del cuerpo humano
We should not activate our chacras too quickly
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No debemos activar nuestros chacras demasiado rápido.
How to unlock the blocked chakras?
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Cómo desbloquear los chacras bloqueados?
According to Hindu doctrine, the chakras are energy located in the human body.
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Según la doctrina hinduista, los chakras son centros de energía situados en el cuerpo humano
What is the meaning of the chakras
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¿Cuál es el significado de los chakras?
This course is available on the website
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Éste curso está disponible en la página web
Yesterday I took a plane to travel to Manchester
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Ayer cogí un avión para viajar a Mánchester
When taking off and landing the plane there are many rules
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A la hora de despegar y aterrizar el avión hay muchas normas
Before getting on the plane we have to go through the security check
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Antes de subir al avión tenemos que pasar por el control de seguridad
All metal objects and electronic devices must be removed
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Hay que quitarse todos los objetos de metal y dispositivos electrónicos
Once we have passed the security check we go to the boarding gate
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Una vez que hemos pasado la control de seguridad vamos hacia la puerta de embarque
The boarding gate is the gate from where our plane departs
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La puerta de embarque es la puerta desde donde sale nuestro avión
Everyone who wants to take the plane has to show the flight attendant their ID
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Todo el mundo que quiera coger el avión tiene que enseñar el DNI a la azafata
I always carry gum in my pocket
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Yo siempre llevo chicles en mi bolsillo
If you chew gum the pressure disappears and you do not have pain in your ears
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Si masticas chicle la presión desaparece y no tienes dolor en tus oídos
You can't travel by plane if you don't buckle up
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No se puede viajar en avión si no te abrochas el cinturón
You have to fasten your seatbelts before taking off
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Hay que abrocharse los cinturones antes de despegar
Can't eat while the plane is taking off
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No se puede comer mientras está despegando el avión
During takeoff you have to be seated
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Durante el despegue hay que estar sentado
You can go to the bathroom only when the plane is in the air
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Se puede ir al baño solo cuando el avión está en el aire
Frauds and scams on the Internet
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Estafas y timos en Internet
How people scam other people
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Como la gente estafa a otras personas
A few months ago I was scammed on the Internet
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Hace unos meses me estafaron en Internet
You can download it for free
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Lo puedes descargar gratuitamente
There we can sell second-hand objects
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Ahí podemos vender objetos de segunda mano
I don’t trust him
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No confío en el
I didn’t trust this person
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No confiaba en esta persona
This person seemed pretty reliable to me.
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Esta persona me parecía bastante fiable
you can not trust anyone
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no puedes confiar en nadie
You can't even trust your shadow
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No te puedes fiar ni de tu sombra
I trusted this person
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Me fíe de esta persona
He sent me a package through the post office
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Me envió un paquete a través de correos
I realized that I had been ripped off
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Me di cuenta de que me habían estafado
Inside this box were comics
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Dentro de esta caja había cómics
I'm not going to surprise you
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No te voy a sorprender
This person had ripped me off
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Esta persona me había timado
They reimbursed me the money
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Me reembolsaron el dinero
We can never differentiate if a person wants to deceive us or not
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Nunca podemos diferenciar si una persona quiere engañarnos o no
There are people who seem reliable
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Hay personas que parecen fiables
I did not realize that this person's profile raised suspicions
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No me di cuenta de que el perfil de esta persona levantaba sospechas
Thanks to these complaints, the account was closed
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Gracias a estas denuncias le cerraron la cuenta
How do you feel when they cheat on you?
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Cómo te sientes cuando te engañan?
This person is a cheeky
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Esta persona es un caradura
It's a bit of an embarrassing situation
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Es una situación un poco embarazosa
I laugh at this situation
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Me río de este situación
The fault is mine for having trusted you
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La culpa es mía por haberme fiado de ti
I filed a complaint against this person
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Yo puse una denuncia a esta persona
I put a claim on this platform
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Puse una reclamación en esta plataforma
Everything went well and I got all my money back
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Todo salió bien y recupere todo mi dinero
At least I have health
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Por lo menos tengo salud
The other day I did a survey
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El otro día hice una encuesta
I am recording a video on youtube
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Estoy grabando un video en youtube
What are we going to talk about today?
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De que vamos a hablar hoy?
I'm going to tell the story of how I started teaching Spanish
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Voy a contar la historia de como empecé a enseñar Español
If you want to download the transcription
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Si quieres descargarte la transcription
Without further ado, we are going to start
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Sin mas preambulos vanos a enpezar
I started teaching Spanish 3 years ago
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Empecé enseñar Español hace 3 años
I teach Spanish since 2016
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Yo enseño español desde el 2016
I had never taught a Spanish class
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Nunca había dado un clase de Español
Since I started teaching Spanish I feel very satisfied
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Desde que empecé enseñar español me siento muy satisfecho
Since I started teaching Spanish I have felt very satisfied
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Desde que empecé a enseñar español me siento muy satisfecho
I feel very satisfied to be able to do it
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Me siento muy satisfecho de poder hacerlo
My first website was disastrous
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Mi primera pagina web fue desastrosa
Since 2021 I started uploading videos on YouTube
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Desde el 2021 empece a subir videos en youtube
Since I have been working at the Prosecutor's Office I feel much more fulfilled
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Desde que trabajo en la Fiscalía me siento mucho más realizado
Since I've been on YouTube I feel much happier
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Desde que estoy en YouTube me siento mucho más feliz
I am very happy in the new job
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Estoy muy contenta en el nuevo trabajo
I hope you are also very well!
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Espero que tú también estés muy bien!
Coronavirus is a very mediatic topic
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Coronavirus es un tema muy mediático
There is a virus outbreak all over the world
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Hay un brote de virus en todo el mundo
My mother has home remedies for all diseases
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Mi madre tiene remedios caseros por todas enfermedades
Coronavirus originated in China
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Coronavirus se originó en China
The first outbreak of this virus was in the seafood market
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El primer brote de este virus fue en el mercado de marisco
This virus can be spread from animals to people.
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Este virus se puede contagiar de animales a personas
Therefore, one person can infect another person.
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Por lo tanto una persona puede contagiar a otra persona
A year ago some countries were in quarantine
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Hace un año unos países estaban en cuarentena
People couldn't access those quarantined cities
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La gente no podía acceder a esas ciudades en cuarentena
In quarantine there are many restrictive rules
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En cuarentena hay muchas normas restrictivas
A person in Poland has been infected with this virus
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Una persona en Polonia ha sido contagiada con este virus
There is currently no treatment for this virus.
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De momento no hay ningún tratamiento para este virus
Therefore scientists are at work looking for possible vaccines
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Por lo tanto los científicos están manos a la obra buscando posibles vacunas
We are looking for a vaccine to be able to vaccinate the population
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Estamos buscando una vacuna para poder vacunar a la población
In China they have few cases of contagion
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En China tienen pocos casos de contagio
China is the country where this virus originated
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China es el país donde se originó este virus
Coronavirus has many repercussions
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Coronavirus tiene muchas repercusiones
Symptoms of coronavirus include: Fever, cough, headaches, fatigue, tiredness
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Síntomas de coronavirus incluyen: Fiebre, tos, dolores de cabeza, fatiga, cansancio
The symptoms are very similar to those of the common flu.
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Los síntomas son muy parecidos a los de la gripe común
Many people have died due to coronavirus
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Ha muerto mucha gente debido al coronavirus
When you have the flu you have a lot of mucus from the nose
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Cuando tienes Gripe tienes mucha mucosidad de la nariz
Do you also have muscle pain?
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Tienes también dolores musculares
When is winter the flu breaks out
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Cuándo es invierno la gripe brota
The flu can be cured with different types of medications such as aspirin or paracetamol
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La gripe se puede curar con diferentes tipos de medicamentos como la aspirina o el paracetamol
I remember that my mother always gave me home remedies
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Recuerdo que mi madre siempre me daban los remedios caseros
Home remedies are quite efficient against some viruses
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Los remedios caseros son bastante eficientes contra algunos virus
Hot milk with honey and lemon relieves my sore throat quite a bit.
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La leche caliente con miel y limón me alivia bastante el dolor de garganta
In Poland there are many people who have been infected with coronavirus
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En Polonia hay mucha gente que ha sido contagiada con coronavirus
We are in winter which is the favorite season for the flu to spread
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Estamos en invierno que es la estación favorita para que la gripe se propague
Three days ago the president of the government decreed a state of alarm
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Hace tres días el presidente del gobierno decretó el estado de alarma
All over the world we are suffering from this pandemic
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En todo el mundo estamos sufriendo esta pandemia
Spain is a more infected country behind Italy and China
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España es un país más contagiado por detrás de Italia y de China
If I'm not mistaken, it was yesterday that the president decreed the state of alarm
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Si no me equivoco fue ayer que el presidente decretó el estado de alarma
State of alarm prohibits the free movement of citizens within the national territory
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Estado de alarma prohíbe la libre circulación de los ciudadanos dentro del territorio nacional
you have to be home you have to stay home
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Tienes que estar en casa tienes que quedarte en casa
You can only go outside under certain circumstances
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Solo se puede salir a la calle bajo ciertas circunstancias
Many companies have closed but people can work from home
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Muchas empresas se han cerrado pero gente puede trabajar desde casa
You can only leave home to buy essential goods
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Solo puedes salir de casa para comprar bienes de primera necesidad
If you go to the supermarket to buy tobacco you risk being fined by the police
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Si vas al supermercado para comprar tabaco te arriesgas a que la policía te pongan una multa
You have to justify why you are on the street in order to avoid being fined
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Tienes que justificar porque estás en la calle para poder evitar que te pongan una multa
Coronavirus cases are growing in Poland
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Los casos de coronavirus están creciendo en Polonia
If I'm not mistaken there are about 40,000 infected
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Si no me equivoco hay unos 40.000 contagiados
There are 5,000 people in the intensive care unit.
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Hay 5000 personas en la unidad de cuidados intensivos
It means that these people are unfortunately very serious
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Significa que estas personas por desgracia están muy graves
100,000 people have unfortunately died due to this coronavirus
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100.000 personas lamentablemente han fallecido debido a este coronavirus
It seems that the situation is going from bad to worse
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Parece que la situación va de mal en peor
We hope that very soon the infected curve will start to go down
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Esperamos que muy pronto la curva de contagiados empiece a bajar
In Spain there are many people infected by this virus
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En España hay muchas personas infectadas por este virus
Hospitals are completely collapsed
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Los hospitales están completamente colapsados
Doctors and nurses are completely overwhelmed
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Los médicos y enfermeros están completamente desbordados
There are too few ventilators for all the people who are coming to the hospital
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Hay muy pocos respiradores para todas las personas que están viniendo al hospital
This situation is quite unfortunate.
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Esta situación es bastante lamentable
In Spain many people are going out to the balcony to applaud the doctors
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En España mucha gente está saliendo al balcón a aplaudir a los medicos
Doctors and nurses are on the front line in the fight against coronavirus
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Los doctores y enfereros Estan en la primera línea en la lucha contra coronavirus
An applause is a way to encourage the population
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Un aplauso es una forma de dar ánimos a la población
As good citizens we have to stay home
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Como buenos ciudadanos tenemos que quedarnos en casa
We stay home and avoid being in contact with other people to prevent this virus from spreading
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Quedamos en casa y evitamos estar en contacto con otras personas para evitar que este virus se propague
Together we can stop this contagion curve
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Juntos podemos frenar esta curva de contagios
We need to relieve the health system
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Necesitamos aliviar el sistema sanitario
The government has launched a package of economic measures
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El gobierno ha lanzado un paquete de medidas económicas
Workers receive a percentage of their salary
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Los trabajadores cobran porcentaje de su sueldo
Companies can request the money from the government
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Las empresas pueden solicitar el dinero al gobierno
More infections are expected in the near future
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Se esperan más contagios en el futuro cercano
When this pandemic will pass we will possibly enter an economic recession
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Cuando esta pandemia pasará posiblemente entremos en una recesión económica
The economy is totally paralyzed during this time
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La economía está totalmente paralizada durante este tiempo
Measures must be sought to raise morale
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Hay que buscar medidas para subir la moral
The most important thing is to have a positive attitude
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Lo más importante es tener una actitud positiva

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