equivocarse de algo

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be wrong about sb/sth
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equivocarse de algo
You were/thought wrong. You were mistaken.
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Te equivocaste.
To err is human.
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Equivocarse es humano.
You are completely wrong., (AmE pot.) You are all wet.
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Estás completamente equivocado!
I see I was mistaken about you.
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Ahora lo veo, estaba equivocado de ti.
Anyone can be/go wrong.
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Cualquiera puede estar equivocado.
You are wrong in expecting an apology from him.
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Te equivocas en esperar que te disculpe.
You must be confusing me with someone.
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Debes estar confundiéndome con alguien.
Appearances can be deceptive.
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Lo aparente puede ser engañoso.
If my memory serves me right/correctly/well...
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Si me acuerdo bien...
If I am not mistaken...
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Si no me equivoco...
People often mix him up with other...
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La gente a menudo le toma por otro...
I may be wrong..., Maybe I'm mistaken...
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Tal vez me equivoco...
confuse, mix up sb/sth, mistake sth for sth
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confundir, tomar uno por otro, equivocarse de algo

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