English_collocation_Sports (Hungarian)

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Valamilyen csapatsportot űz (pl. foci)
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play soccer
egyéni sportot művel (pl. jóga)
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do yoga
Also, in more general terms, you do exercise. Another common individual exercise is to lift weights.
megyek úszni/hegyetmászni/...
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go swimming
The verb go is used with most activities that end in –ing
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megnyer, elveszít egy meccset. Döntetlen.
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win, lose a match. Tie.
You can win the game, lose the game, or tie the game – that’s when the final score is 1-1 for example.
Hazai pályán vagy idegenben játszik
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home or away game
A team can play a home game – when they play in their own stadium or field – or an away game – when they play at the opposing team’s stadium or field.
bajnokság, verseny
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vezet (meccsen ponttal, góllal)
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has the lead
kiegyenlít (meccsen)
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make a comeback
átveszi a vezerést (meccsen)
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take the lead (in a match)
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(do and go) competiton, race (where you go from one place to another)
elindul egy versenyen (atléta)
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enter a competition
megnyer egy versenyt
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wins first place
megnöveli/fokozza a saját teljesítményét
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enhance their performance
illegális anyagok (pl. steroid)
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illegal substances (e.g. steroids)
elbukik a drogteszten
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he fails a drug test
kizárják a versenyből
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be disqualified from participating.
egyéni rekord
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achieve a personal best
új világrekordot állít be
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break the world record or set a new world record.
feladja a versenyt
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withdraw from the competition (voluntarily leave the competition).

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