english class a1 unit 5 cz. 2 SUGESTIE I PROPOZYCJE

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Wspaniały pomysł!
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Great idea!(grejt ajdia)
Zgadzam sie
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I agree (aj egri)
To nie jest dobry pomysł
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It's not a good idea (yts not e gud ajdia)
Nie jestem pewien
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I'm not sure (ajm not szo:)
Zróbmy coś fajnego!
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Let's do something fun(lets du samfin fan)
Tak zróbmy!
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Let's do that!(lets du dat)
Chodźmy na łyzwy!
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Let's go ice skating!(lets goł ajs skejtin)
Możemy isc do parku!
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We can go to the park! (łi ken goł tu de park)
Niech zobaczę...
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Let me see...
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Not again?
Co sie stało?
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What wrong?
Nic nie widze
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I can't see
chłopaki, dziewczyny
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guys (gajs)

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