English class a1+ unit 3 reading 3.3

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question réponse
1. What's that noise?(noiz)
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1. Co to za hałas?
2. It's the rubbish lorry
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2. To śmieciarka
3. rubbisch (rabisz)
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3. śmieci
4. It's coming (yts kamin)
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4. Nadjeżdża
5. Quick! Run
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5. SZYBKO! Biegnijcie
6. Where's Big Al?
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6. Gdzie jest Big Al?
7. I don't know (aj dont noł)
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7. Nie wiem
8. Are you calling him?
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8. Dzwonisz do niego?
9. him
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9. jego, jemu
10. Yes, I am
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10. Tak, dzwonię
11. But, he isn't answering
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11. Ale on nie odpowiada
12. answer(anser)
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12. odpowiadać
13. I'm worried
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13. Jestem zmartwiony
14. Look, there he is
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14. Spójrz, tam jest
15. In the lorry
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15. W ciężarówce
16. Is he sleeping?
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16. Czy on spi?
17. Yes, he is. I'm scared
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17. Tak, on spi Boję się
18. Where are they going?
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18. Dokąd oni idą/jadą?
19. But, I've got an idea
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19. Ale mam pomysł
20. What are you doing?
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20. Co robisz?
21. look for
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21. szukać
22. I'm looking for Big Al's phone
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22. Szukam telefonu Wielkiego Ala
23 The lorry's driving down North Street
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23 Ciężarówka jedzie North Street
24. Come on!
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24. Chodź!/Chodżcie
25. Al, are you ok?
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25. Al, wszystko w porządku?
26. Where am I?
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26. Gdzie jestem?
27. Am I dreaming?
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27. Czy śnię?
28. dream
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28. śnić/marzyć
29. No, you aren't
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29. Nie, ty nie śnisz
30. You look tired
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30. Wyglądasz na zmęczonego
31. What's the matter?
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31. O co chodzi?
32. We're happy now
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32. Jesteśmy teraz szczęśliwi

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