English - Catalan sentences from Tatoeba (ManyThings)

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De veritat?
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Hurry up.
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Too late.
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Massa tard.
Can I help?
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Puc ajudar?
I envy him.
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Time flies.
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El temps vola.
I'm 17, too.
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Jo també tinc 17 anys.
Money talks.
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Qui paga, mana.
He has a dog.
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Ell té un gos.
She stood up.
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Ella es va aixecar.
I'm desperate.
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Estic desesperat.
Let me try it.
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Deixa'm intentar-ho.
You look good.
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Tens bona cara.
Are you insane?
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Estàs boig?
Can I help you?
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Puc ajudar?
I need a stamp.
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Necessito un segell.
I saw him jump.
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El vaig veure saltar.
Who painted it?
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Qui ho ha pintat?
I didn't say it.
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No ho he dit pas.
I speak Swedish.
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Parlo suec.
It's cold today!
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Avui fa fred!
It's your fault.
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És culpa teva.
Here is your bag.
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Aquí és la teva bossa.
I am now on duty.
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Ara estic de servei.
I ate the cheese.
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Em vaig menjar el formatge.
I have a problem.
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Tinc un problema.
I have a problem.
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Tinc un maldecap.
I have no family.
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No tinc família.
I work in a bank.
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Jo treballo a un banc.
I wrote a letter.
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Vaig escriure una carta.
I'm already late.
commencer à apprendre
Ja faig tard.
She lives nearby.
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Viu aquí prop.
This is your dog.
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Aquest és el teu gos.
Tom walked alone.
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En Tom caminava sol.
What is going on?
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Què hi ha?
What is going on?
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Què passa?
Answer in English.
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Contesta en anglès!
I have an earache.
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Tinc otitis.
I have black eyes.
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Tinc els ulls negres.
I think he did it.
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Crec que ho va fer ell.
I'm a salesperson.
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Sóc venedor.
Let me have a try.
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Deixa'm intentar-ho.
She has long hair.
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Ella té el cabell llarg.
Tom doesn't drink.
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Tom no beu.
You need to hurry.
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T'has d'afanyar.
Come along with me.
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Do it by all means.
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Fes-ho com sigui.
Do it by all means.
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Fes-ho peti qui peti.
Everyone loves him.
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Tots l'estimen.
He speaks fluently.
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Parla amb soltura.
I don't have a cat.
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No tinc cap gat.
I don't want sugar.
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No vull sucre.
I have lost my key.
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He perdut la meva clau.
It was a nightmare.
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Va ser un malson.
Shut up and listen!
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Calla i escolta!
Shut up and listen.
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Calla i escolta!
Stay out of my way.
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Fora del meu camí!
This coat fits you.
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Aquest abric et queda bé.
Tom is a silly man.
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En tom és un ximplet.
What's the problem?
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Quin problema hi ha?
What's your secret?
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Quin és el teu secret?
You are a good boy.
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Ets un bon noi.
Europe is in crisis.
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Europa està en crisi.
Everybody loves him.
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Tots l'estimen.
He'll return at six.
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Tornarà a les sis.
He's the oldest son.
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Ell és el fill gran.
I can see the light.
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Puc veure la llum.
I'll call him later.
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Li cridaré més tard.
She has a white cat.
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Ella té un gat blanc.
The bicycle is mine.
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La bicicleta és meva.
They were satisfied.
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Estaven satisfets.
They were satisfied.
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Estaven cofois.
Where are you going?
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A on vas?
Birds fly in the sky.
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Els ocells volen pel cel.
Can he speak English?
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Que parla anglès, ell?
Do you live in Tokyo?
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Vius a Tokyo?
Fish live in the sea.
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Els peixos viuen al mar.
I dislike big cities.
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No m'agraden les ciutats grans.
I don't want to work.
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No vull treballar.
I have two daughters.
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Tinc dues filles.
It's a piece of cake.
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Això és bufar i fer ampolles.
It's really annoying.
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És realment molest.
Sorry for being late.
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Perdó pel retard.
That's a bright idea.
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És una idea brillant.
The ground seems wet.
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El sòl sembla mullat.
Tom doesn't watch TV.
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En Tom no mira la tele.
Who's coming with me?
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Qui ve amb mi?
You can come with me.
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Pots venir amb mi.
Your son is a genius.
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El vostre fill és un geni.
Do you have two books?
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Tens dos llibres?
Does he speak English?
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Que parla anglès, ell?
His house was on fire.
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La seva casa està en flames.
I don't have time now.
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Ara no tinc temps.
I'd like some aspirin.
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Voldria una aspirina.
Money opens all doors.
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Els diners obren totes les portes.
She is a good swimmer.
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És una bona nedadora.
Thanks for everything.
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Mercès per tot.
Those are empty words.
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Són paraules buides.
We have two daughters.
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Tenim dues filles.
What's wrong with you?
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Què et passa?
You should eat slower.
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Has de menjar més a poc a poc.
You're taller than me.
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Ets més alt que jo.
Does the bus stop here?
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L'autobús para ací?
I think he has done it.
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Crec que ell ho ha fet.
Mary married for money.
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La Mary es va casar per diners.
They will not eat meat.
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No menjaran carn.
Tom wants to be famous.
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Tom vol ser famós.
We have to act quickly.
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Hem d'actuar ràpid.
What is wrong with him?
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Què li passa?
He died three years ago.
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Va morir fa tres anys.
I don't like big cities.
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No m'agraden les ciutats grans.
I felt like I would die.
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Sentia que em moriria.
I listened to her story.
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Vaig escoltar la història d'ella.
I won't see him anymore.
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No el veuré mai més.
I'll start this evening.
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Començaré aquest vespre.
I'm sure of his success.
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Estic segur del seu èxit.
I've forgotten his name.
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He oblidat el seu nom.
Many sailors can't swim.
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Molts mariners no saben nedar,
My father quit drinking.
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El meu pare va aturar de beure.
She helped me willingly.
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Ella em va ajudar de bon gust.
Tell me when he returns.
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Avisa'm quan torni.
Tom is thirty years old.
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Tom té trenta anys.
What a beautiful sunset.
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Quina posta més maca!
Would you draw me a map?
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Em faríes un mapa?
You will miss the train.
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Perdràs el tren.
Can your mom drive a car?
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La teva mama sap conduir?
Don't ever do that again.
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No ho facis mai més.
He fell and hurt his leg.
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Ell es va caure i es va fer mal a la cama.
He has never played golf.
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Ell no ha jugat mai al golf.
He speaks five languages.
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Ell parla cinc idiomes.
I can't stand that noise.
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No puc aguantar aquest soroll.
I didn't know what to do.
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No sabia què fer.
I don't know her address.
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No sé la seva adreça.
I made my son a new suit.
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He fet un vestit nou per a mon fill.
I recognized him at once.
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El vaig reconèixer de seguida.
I'm talking on the phone.
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Parlo per telèfon.
It is nice and cool here.
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Aquí fa fresca i s'hi està bé.
My mother is always busy.
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La meva mare sempre està ocupada.
She had a strange hat on.
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Ella portava un barret estrany.
This is his car, I think.
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Aquest és el seu cotxe, crec.
Tom visited Mary's grave.
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En Tom va visitar la tomba de la Mary.
Turn down the TV, please.
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Baixa el volum del televisor.
Turn the TV down, please.
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Baixa el volum del televisor.
You are everything to me.
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Tu ets tot per mi.
I made a careless mistake.
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Vaig cometre una negligència.
I'm standing in the shade.
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M'estic dret a l'ombra.
We may be late for school.
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Potser farem tard a l'escola.
What a nice sounding word!
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Què bé sona aquesta paraula!
Where will you be staying?
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On t'estaràs?
You agree with Tom, right?
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Estàs d'acord amb Tom, oi?
You don't have to do this.
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No has de fer-ho.
You don't have to do this.
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Això no ho has de fer.
Do they have any good news?
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Tens bones notícies?
Do you come here every day?
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Vens aquí cada dia?
Do you know his birthplace?
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Saps on va néixer?
I have to buy one tomorrow.
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He de comprar-ne un demà.
I know he likes jazz music.
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Sé que li agrada el jazz.
I'd rather do it by myself.
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Prefereixo fer-lo pel meu compte.
I'm afraid I caught a cold.
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Em sembla que he agafat un constipat.
It's all you can really do.
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És tot el que pots fer.
She's Tom's younger sister.
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És la germana petita d'en Tom.
The bird's wing was broken.
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L'ala de l'ocell estava trencada.
There were ten eggs in all.
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Hi havia deu ous en total.
Things are not that simple.
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Les coses no són tan senzilles.
This store sells old books.
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Aquesta botiga ven llibres vells.
You're not a child anymore.
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Ja no ets un nen.
Columbus discovered America.
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Colón va descobrir Amèrica.
Don't you like Chinese food?
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No t'agrada el menjar xinès?
France is in western Europe.
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França és a l'Europa Occidental.
He plays baseball every day.
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Juga al beisbol tots el dies.
He's the one who touched me.
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Ell és el que em va tocar.
I don't know if he knows it.
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No sé si ho sap.
I'll be back in ten minutes.
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Tornaré en deu minuts.
I'm the one who has the key.
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Jo sóc qui té la clau.
Take off your socks, please.
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Sisplau, lleva't els mitjons.
The food was great in Italy.
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El menjar va ser cosa fina a Itàlia.
They work eight hours a day.
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Treballen vuit hores al dia.
What are you doing tomorrow?
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Què fas demà?
What is wrong with that guy?
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Què li passa a aquet paio?
Do you know where she's gone?
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Saps on ha anat ella?
He goes to the office by car.
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Va al despatx amb cotxe.
He plays the piano very well.
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Ell toca el piano molt bé.
I must have the wrong number.
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Dec tenir el número equivocat.
I never get tired of talking.
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No em canso mai de parlar.
I saw him tear up the letter.
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El vaig veure estripar la carta.
I will get in touch with you.
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Em posaré en contacte amb tu.
Japan is smaller than Canada.
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El Japó és més petit que el Canadà.
The soldier gave water to me.
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El soldat m'ha donat aigua.
We killed time playing cards.
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Matàvem el temps jugant a les cartes.
We must control our passions.
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Hem de controlar les nostres passions.
Do you have medical insurance?
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Teniu assegurança mèdica?
He comes here every five days.
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Ve aquí cada cinc dies.
He left the book on the table.
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Va deixar el llibre sobre la taula.
It was cheaper than I thought.
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És més barat del que em vaig pensar.
Let me know whenever you come.
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Quan vinguis, fes-m'ho saber.
Most schools are closed today.
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La majoria d'escoles avui estan tancades.
My dad died before I was born.
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Mon pare va morir abans del meu naixement.
Nobody equals him in strength.
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Ningú no li fa ombra.
Nobody equals him in strength.
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Ningú no li és rival.
Our summer is short, but warm.
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El nostre estiu és curt, però calorós.
She is giving a party tonight.
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Ella fa una festa aquesta nit.
Tom wants to change the world.
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En Tom vol canviar el món.
Tom's arm had to be amputated.
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Van haver d'amputar el braç al Tom.
You agree with Tom, don't you?
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Estàs d'acord amb Tom, no?
He is a very thoughtful person.
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És una persona molt considerada.
I don't know when he will come.
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No sé quan vindrà.
I have breakfast every morning.
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Cada dia esmorzo.
I have not seen him since then.
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No l'he vist des d'aleshores.
I opened the box. It was empty.
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Vaig obrir la caixa. Estava buida.
I wish I could buy that guitar.
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Com voldria poder comprar aquesta guitarra.
I'm very glad to see you again.
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Estic molt content de tornar-te a veure.
Please circle the right answer.
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Encercleu la resposta correcta, sisplau.
He had a firm belief in his God.
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Té una creença ferma en Déu.
He is getting better bit by bit.
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Ell s'està millorant poc a poc
He told me an interesting story.
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M'ha contat una història interessant.
Helen Keller was deaf and blind.
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Hellen Keller era sorda i cega.
How much does he earn per month?
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Quant guanya al mes?
I can repeat it again and again.
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Puc repetir-ho vint vegades.
I caught the ball with one hand.
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Vaig agafar la pilota amb una mà.
I heard him sing at the concert.
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El vaig sentir cantant al concert.
I was not aware of his presence.
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Jo no era conscient que ell estava al davant.
I wonder if he'll come tomorrow.
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Em pregunto si vindrà demà.
Let me know when he will arrive.
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Ja em diràs quan arriba.
My mother speaks little English.
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La meva mare parla una mica d'anglès.
She made the same mistake again.
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Ella va cometre una altra vegada la mateixa errada.
She will have a baby next month.
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Ella vol tenir un fill el mes vinent.
The food didn't taste very good.
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El menjar no tenia gaire bon gust.
The sun appeared on the horizon.
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El Sol apareix a l'horitzont.
The sun gives us heat and light.
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El Sol ens dóna calor i llum.
The sun is larger than the moon.
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El Sol és més gran que la Lluna.
Tom is too young to drive a car.
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Tom és massa jove per portar un cotxe.
You don't have to kick yourself.
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No et facis mala sang.
You should've told me yesterday.
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M'ho hauries d'haver dit ahir.
Asians generally have black hair.
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Els asiàtics normalment tenen el cabell negre,
Do you know who wrote this novel?
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Saps qui va escriure aquesta novela?
Don't compare me to a movie star.
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No em comparis amb una estrella de cinema.
He went skiing during the winter.
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Se'n va anar a esquiar a l'hivern.
I have lived in Tokyo since 1985.
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He viscut a Tokyo des de 1985.
I saw the moon above the horizon.
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Veig la lluna sobre l'horitzont.
My brother-in-law is a policeman.
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El meu cunyat és policia.
My father died before I was born.
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Mon pare va morir abans del meu naixement.
The bus arrived ten minutes late.
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El bus va arribar deu minuts tard.
The flood caused a lot of damage.
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La riada va fer molt de mal.
The flood caused a lot of damage.
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La inundació va fer molt de mal.
The rumor is true to some extent.
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Fins a un cert punt, el rumor és cert.
The teacher told me study harder.
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El professor em va dir que estudiés molt.
Tom and Mary acted like children.
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En Tom i la Mary es portaven com nens.
Tom is no longer studying French.
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En Tom ja no estudia francès.
When can we see each other again?
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On ens podem tornar a veure?
Everyone hoped that she would win.
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Tothom esperava que guanyés.
He was willing to work for others.
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Ell estava disposat a treballar per altres.
I burned my fingers on a hot iron.
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Em vaig cremar els dits amb un ferro roent.
I burned my fingers on a hot iron.
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Em vaig cremar els dits amb una planxa calenta.
I have nothing in common with her.
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No tinc res en comú amb ella.
I spend money as soon as I get it.
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Em gasto els diners de seguida que en tinc.
I write letters that I never send.
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Escric cartes que no envio mai.
Is Flight 123 going to be delayed?
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El vol 123, té retard?
Last night we worked until 10 p.m.
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Ahir a la nit vàrem treballar fins a les deu.
Thank you so much for inviting me.
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Moltes gràcies per la invitació.
The plane took off exactly at six.
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L'avió s'enlairà a les sis clavades.
Today's meeting has been canceled.
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La reunió d'avui ha sigut cancelada.
Where's the nearest travel agency?
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On és l'agència de viatges més propera?
Bangkok is Thailand's capital city.
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Bangkok és la capital de Tailàndia.
He helped poor people all his life.
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Ell va ajudar els pobres tota la seva vida.
Her husband is now living in Tokyo.
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El seu marit viu a Tòkio ara.
I can't remember where I bought it.
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No puc recordar on el vaig comprar.
I heard a beautiful song yesterday.
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Ahir vaig sentir una cançó bonica.
I thanked him for what he had done.
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Li vaig agrair el que va fer.
I'd like to meet your older sister.
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Voldria trobar-me amb la teva germana gran.
I'm the one who pays all the bills.
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Jo sóc qui paga totes les factures.
I'm very slow at making up my mind.
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Sóc molt lent a l'hora de prendre decisions.
Is there a post office around here?
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Hi ha alguna oficina postal per aquí?
The door is locked at nine o'clock.
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La porta es tanca amb clau a les nou.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
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Ens sap greu la molèstia causada.
What little money I had was stolen.
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Els pocs diners que tenia me'ls van robar.
A lot of jobs are done by computers.
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Moltes feines les fan els ordinadors.
Do you wonder why no one trusts him?
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T'estranya que ningú hi confiï?
Don't go to sleep with the light on.
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No et durmis amb el llum encès.
I have nothing to say to any of you.
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No tinc res a dir-vos a cap de vosaltres.
I was caught in a shower on the way.
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M'ha enxampat un xàfec pel camí.
Look that word up in the dictionary.
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Cerca aquella paraula al diccionari.
My apartment is on the fourth floor.
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El meu apartament està al quart pis.
Night is when most people go to bed.
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La nit és quan la majoria de la gent se'n va al llit.
Tom may talk to Mary if he wants to.
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En Tom, si vol, pot parlaa amb la Mary.
When did you come back from Germany?
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Quan vas tornar d'Alemanya?
Flowers die if they don't have water.
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Sense aigua les flors es panseixen.
His arrogance is no longer tolerable.
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La seva arrogància ja no és tolerable.
His courage is worthy of high praise.
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La seva valentia mereix grans lloances.
I planted an apple tree in my garden.
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He plantat un pomer al meu jardí.
I really must have my watch repaired.
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He de dur el rellotge a arreglar.
I'm sick. Will you send for a doctor?
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Estic malalt. Oi que avisaràs un metge?
I'm sure of winning the championship.
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Estic segur de guanyar el campionat.
It seems that he was a great athlete.
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Sembla que va ser un gran atleta.
Please write to me from time to time.
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Escriu-me de tant en tant, sí?
What do you want to talk to me about?
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De què vols parlar amb mi?
What's your opinion of Japanese food?
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Quina és la teva opinió sobre el menjar japonès?
Everyone was listening very carefully.
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Tots estaven escoltant atentament.
He is three years younger than Father.
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Ell és tres anys més jove que el pare.
I don't know what has happened to him.
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No sé què li ha passat.
I was the one who knocked on the door.
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Vaig ser jo qui va trucar a la porta.
I'll make an exception just this once.
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Faré una excepció només per aquesta vegada.
I'm the one who takes out the garbage.
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Jo sóc qui treu les escombraries.
Japan imports a large quantity of oil.
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El Japó importa una gran quantitat de petroli.
Mary's doctor advised her to exercise.
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El metge de la Mary li va aconsellar que fes exercici.
Will the work be finished by tomorrow?
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Estarà enllestida la feina per a demà?
As long as there's life, there is hope.
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Mentre hi ha vida, hi ha esperança.
Blue lines on the map designate rivers.
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Les línies blaves al mapa designen rius.
How much time do you spend on Facebook?
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Quant de temps passes a Facebook?
I don't know whether it is true or not.
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No sé si és veritat o no.
I have cookies for breakfast every day.
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Cada dia menjo galetes per esmorzar.
I would like to visit New York someday.
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Un dia m'agradaria visitar New York.
I've been waiting for this day to come.
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He estat esperant que arribi aquest dia.
In Japan there are four seasons a year.
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Al Japó hi ha quatre estacions cada any.
Mathematics is important in daily life.
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Les matemàtiques són importants a la vida diària.
The Japanese economy developed rapidly.
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L'economia japonesa es va desenvolupar depressa.
The class was divided into four groups.
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La classe es va dividir en quatre grups.
The earth is much larger than the moon.
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La Terra és molt més gran que la Lluna.
They say golf is very popular in Japan.
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Diuen que el golf és molt popular al Japó.
This is the best book I have ever read.
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És el millor llibre que he llegit mai.
Tom is interested in French literature.
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En Tom està interessat en la literatura francesa.
Tom is making great progress in French.
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En Tom està progressant molt amb el francès.
He fought against racial discrimination.
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Va lluitar contra la discriminació racial.
I know that there was a big church here.
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Sé que aquí hi havia una església gran.
I noticed that she sat in the front row.
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Vaig notar que ella va seure a la fila del davant.
President Clinton denied the accusation.
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El president Clinton va negar l'acusació.
The men are wearing short sleeve shirts.
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Els homes porten camises de màniga curta.
What do these dots represent on the map?
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Què signifiquen aquests punts al mapa?
German is the best language in the world.
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L'alemany és la millor llengua del món.
How many people are there in your family?
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Quants són a la seva família?
I asked him many questions about ecology.
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Li vaig fer moltes preguntes sobre ecologia.
I don't have the strength to keep trying.
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No tinc la força per continuar triant.
I started learning English six years ago.
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Fa sis anys que vaig començar a aprendre anglès.
I will ask him where he went last Sunday.
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Li preguntaré on va anar el diumenge.
I'm surprised that he accepted the offer.
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Em sorprèn que acceptés l'oferiment.
It is difficult to speak three languages.
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És difícil parlar tres llengues.
John doesn't know how to play the guitar.
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En John no sap tocar la guitarra.
There are many beautiful parks in London.
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A Londres hi han molts parcs bonics.
Tom does everything he can to save money.
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En Tom fa tot el que pot per estalviar.
I am sure of his winning the tennis match.
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Estic segur de la seva victòria al tennis.
I don't know the reason why he went there.
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No sé el motiu pel qual va anar-hi.
I'd like to know when you can send it out.
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M'agadaria saber quan ho pot enviar.
Nothing happens unless you make it happen.
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No passa res si tu no fas que passi.
This is the best book that I've ever read.
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És el millor llibre que he llegit mai.
As we go up higher, the air becomes cooler.
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Com més amunt anem, més fresc és l'aire.
Do you support or oppose the death penalty?
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Estàs a favor o en contra de la pena de mort?
English is not easy, but it is interesting.
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L'anglès no és fàcil, però és interessant.
I don't have anything to say to any of you.
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No tinc res a dir-vos a cap de vosaltres.
I don't know for certain when he will come.
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No sé del cert quan vindrà.
I eat a boiled egg for breakfast every day.
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Cada dia em menjo un ou dur per esmorzar.
I have been studying French four years now.
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Fa quatre anys que estudio francès.
I told you to be here on time this morning.
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Et vaig dir que havies de ser aquí puntual aquest matí.
I'm fed up with him always preaching to me.
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Estic tip que em sermonegi constantment.
I'm fed up with him always preaching to me.
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Estic tip dels seus sermons constants.
It seems those two are made for each other.
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Sembla que aquell parell estan fets l'un per l'altre.
This is the place where my father was born.
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Aquest és el lloc on va nèixer el meu pare.
When will it be convenient for you to come?
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Quan li convendria venir?
Give him this message the moment he arrives.
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Dóna-li aquest missatge quan arribi.
I demanded that he pay the bill immediately.
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Li vaig demanar de pagar la factura immediatament.
I feel like telling him what I think of him.
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Tinc ganes de dir-li què penso d'ell.
I really need to take care of some business.
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He de tenir cura d'alguns negocis.
I refused to eat until my parents came home.
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No vaig voler menjar fins que els meus pares no tornessin a casa.
Japan imports great quantities of crude oil.
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El Japó importa una gran quantitat de petroli.
She makes him do his homework before dinner.
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Ella l'obliga a fer els deures abans de sopar.
They fell into the conversation immediately.
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Van passar al tema a l'instant.
Both of them are unpredictable and impatient.
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Tots dos són impredictibles i impacients.
Her explanation of the problem made no sense.
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La seva explicació del problema no tenia ni cap ni peus.
I am going to do it whether you agree or not.
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Ho faré, estigueu o no d'acord amb mi.
I didn't know you were that kind of a person.
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No sabia que eres així.
I will take you to the zoo one of these days.
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Un dia d'aquests et portaré al zoo.
My son has gone to America to study medicine.
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El meu fill ha anat a Amèrica a estudiar medicina.
She says she brushes her teeth every morning.
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Ella diu que es raspatlla les dents tots els dematins.
He is one of the candidates running for mayor.
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És un dels candidats que es presenta per alcalde.
I haven't got the nerve to ask you for a loan.
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No tinc valor per demanar-te un préstec.
It is said that golf is very popular in Japan.
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Es diu que el golf és molt popular al Japó.
It seems I'm going to be up all night tonight.
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Sembla que avui estaré despert tota la nit.
Please wash your hands properly before eating.
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Siusplau renteu-vos les mans com cal abans de menjar.
The urban population of America is increasing.
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La població urbana a Amèrica està creixent.
I thought she was angry and would just go away.
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Vaig pensar que s'havia enfadat i que se n'aniria.
It doesn't matter whether he comes late or not.
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No hi fa res si ve tard o no.
She buys what she wants regardless of the cost.
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Compra el que vol sense fixar-se en el que val.
She's curious to find out who sent the flowers.
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Ella té curiositat per saber qui va enviar les flors.
Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year.
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Malauradament, el meu aniversario només succeeix una vegada a l'any.
What would it cost to have this chair repaired?
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Quant costaria arreglar aquesta cadira?
Drink some coffee. It tastes very good, I think.
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Pren una mica de cafè. Té molt bon gust, crec.
He never fails to write to his mother every week.
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No passa una setmana que no li escrigui a la seva mare.
I'm not interested in going to the baseball game.
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No tinc cap interès a anar al partit de beisbol.
I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you lent me.
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Em sap greu, però no trobo el llibre que em vas deixar.
If only I knew, I would tell you all that I knew.
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Si ho sabés, et diria tot el que sé.
One day, Pablo got lost in the Guatemalan jungle.
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Un día Pablo es va perdre a la selva de Guatemala.
She tried to squeeze the juice out of the orange.
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Va provar d'escórrer la taronja.
This story is far more interesting than that one.
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Aquesta història és molt més interessant que aquella.
I took it for granted that he would pass the exam.
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Dono per descomptat que aprovarà l'examen.
They insisted on my making use of the opportunity.
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Em varen insistir per a que aprofitès aquella oportunitat.
Do you know which deity this temple is dedicated to?
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Sabeu a quina divinitat està dedicat aquest temple?
Why don't we see if Tom wants to play cards with us?
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Perquè no mirem si en Tom vol jugar a les cartes amb niosaltres?
I was glad to see that he finally came to his senses.
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Vaig estar content de veure que al final va posar-hi seny.
It's difficult for me to express myself in Esperanto.
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Per mi és difícil expressar-me en esperanto.
I want to live in a quiet city where the air is clean.
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Vull viure a una ciutat tranquila amb l'aire pur.
If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company.
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Si no vols estar sol, puc fer-te companyia.
He will take over the business when his father retires.
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Ell continuarà el negoci quan son pare es jubili.
My mother likes tulips very much and so does my sister.
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A ma mare li agraden molt les tulipes i a ma germana també.
This cola has lost its fizz and doesn't taste any good.
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Aquesta cola s'ha esbravat i no té bon gust.
Tom is accustomed to calling up girls on the telephone.
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En Tom acostuma a trucar noies.
Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world.
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Cuzco és un dels indrets més interessants del món.
I stayed in bed one more day just to be on the safe side.
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Em vaig quedar un dia més al llit per si de cas.
Tom will likely be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.
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Demà donaran d'alta de l'hospital en Tom.
How are you feeling this morning? "Pretty good, thanks."
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Com et sents aquest matí? "Bastant bé, gràcies."
People of my generation all think the same way about this.
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Tota la gent de la meva generació pensen igual sobre això.
The only useful answers are those that raise new questions.
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Les úniques respostes útils són les que creen noves preguntes.
It takes us thirty minutes to walk from here to the station.
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D'aquí a l'estació triguem mitja hora a peu.
The secret of longevity is to choose your parents carefully.
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El secret de la longevitat és triar amb compte els pares.
It takes about 10 minutes to get to the train station by foot.
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Tens uns 10 minuts d'aquí a l'estació a peu.
This medicine must not be placed within the reach of children.
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Aquest medicament no s'ha de deixar a la ma dels nins.
You told her that you had finished the work three days before.
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Li vas dir que havies enllestit la feina feia tres dies.
His father died, and to make matters worse, his mother fell ill.
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Son pare es va morir, i per acabar-ho d'adobar, sa mare es va posar malalta.
Try to understand it in Spanish, without translating to English.
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Tracta d'entendre-ho amb espanyol, sense traduïr-lo amb anglès.
We lost our way, and what was worse, we were caught in a shower.
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Ens vam perdre i, encara pitjor, ens va enxampar un xàfec.
She's worried since she hasn't heard from her son for many months.
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Està amoïnada perquè fa mesos que no té notícia del seu fill.
I suspected that he was telling a lie, but that didn't surprise me.
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Sospitava que m'estava dient una mentida, però això no em va sorprendre.
My daughter won't find it easy to get accustomed to the new school.
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La meva filla no trobarà fàcil per acostumar-se a la nova escola.
The bullet penetrated his chest, leaving him in critical condition.
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La bala va penetrar al seu pit i el va deixar en estat crític.
I wanted to buy the book, but I found I had no more than 200 yen with me.
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Volia comprar el llibre, però vaig adonar-me que no duia més de 200 iens.
We would have bought the plane tickets if the price had been a little lower.
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Hauríem comprat els bitllets d'avió si el preu fos un pèl més baix.
My friend has had three jobs in a year; he never sticks to anything for long.
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El meu amic ha treballat a tres llocs diferents en un any; res no li dura gaire.
You can't park in a handicapped parking space unless you have a special permit.
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No pots aparcar a una plaça d'aparcament per discapacitats si no tens un permís especial.
Drinking lots of water is good for you, sure, but one can't drink that much water at once.
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Beure molta aigua és bo per tu, segur, però no es pot beure tanta aigua de cop.

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