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The housekeeper is mopping the floor.
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El ama de llaves está trapeando el suelo.
The man is scrubbing the oven.
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El hombre está tallando el horno.
to mop
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make the bed
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tender la cama
Excuse me, what is the password to use the Internet?
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Disculpe, ¿Cuál es la clave para entrar a Internet?
How much is the ticket?
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¿Cuánto cuesta el boleto?
When is the next bus to Puebla departing?
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¿Cuándo sale el próximo autobús para Puebla?
Where can I buy a ticket?
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¿En dónde compro el boleto?
How long does it take to get to Cancún?
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¿Cuántas horas tarda para llegar a Cancún?
Is there an ATM near here?
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¿Hay un cajero automático por aquí?
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turn Anglais
Could you take a picture of us, please?
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¿Nos podría tomar una foto, por favor?
How do you say this in Spanish?
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¿Cómo se dice esto en español?
Could you spell it, please?
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Podría deletrearlo, por favor?
Could you give me another soap?
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¿Me podría dar otro jabón?

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