Email writing

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question réponse
zwrot pieniędzy
commencer à apprendre
a refund (a repayment of money you have paid for something)
I would like to request a refund for the course fees already paid.
nieprzewidziane (nieoczekiwane)
commencer à apprendre
unforseen (unexpected)
Due to unforseen events, I have had to leave the country.
odłożyć (opóźnić)
commencer à apprendre
to postpone (to delay)
I would be grateful if you could postpone my enrolment until my return.
niedogodność (mały i być może denerwujący problem)
commencer à apprendre
an inconvenience (a small and perhaps annoying problem)
I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
zapisany (na kurs, studia)
commencer à apprendre
enrolled on (registered for a course)
I am enrolled on the Basic Spanish course.
z powodu (z powodu)
commencer à apprendre
due to (because of)
Due to unforseen family events, I will not be able to return.
krótkie powiadomienie
commencer à apprendre
a short notice
I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I apologise for the short notice.
zapisać się
commencer à apprendre
to enrol
Can I enrol on the course later?
zmiana mojej sytuacji
commencer à apprendre
a change in my circumstances
There has been a change in my circumstances.
być zawalonym czymś (pracą)
commencer à apprendre
to be snowed under with (to have so much work that you have problems dealing with it)
I've been totally snowed under with work.
minęły wieki (minęło dużo czasu)
commencer à apprendre
it's been ages (it's been s long time)
napisać do kogoś
commencer à apprendre
to drop someone a line (to write to someone)
robić coś, porabiać
Co porabiałeś? Co u ciebie słychać?
commencer à apprendre
been up to (been doing)
What have you been up to?
na horyzoncie (dzieje się w najbliższej przyszłości)
commencer à apprendre
on the horizon (happening in the near future)
No-one new on the horizon.
być w drodze do (iść)
commencer à apprendre
to be off to (to be going to)
I'm off to Canada travelling for a month.
wypracować (wydarzyć się lub rozwinąć w określony sposób)
commencer à apprendre
to work out (to happen or develop in a particular way)
We are getting on much better now and it's working out far better for the kids.
postrzeganie jako (ponieważ)
commencer à apprendre
seeing as (because)
I thought I'd drop you a line seeing as I'm stuck in the airport.

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