elo Elo 320

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a pineapple
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an apple
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a banana
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a pear
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jabłka i gruszki
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apples and pears
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zmieniamy temat
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we change the subject
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a teacher
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a vet
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a fire fighter
odważny strażak
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brave fireman
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a doctor
mądry lekaż
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smart doctor
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a musician
utalentowany muzyk
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talented musician
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ładny drygent
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nice drift
zmieniamy temat
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we change the subject
nie umiem pływać ale dobrze gram w karty
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I can't swim but I play cards well
nie umiem jeździć na rowerze ale umiem się przytulać
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I can't ride a bike but I can cuddle
nie umiem wysoko skakać ale bardzo szybko biegam
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I can't jump high but I run very fast
zmieniamy dzisiejszą lekcje
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we're changing today's lesson
ona ma pięć lat
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She is five years old
on jest gruby
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he is fat
oni ćwiczą karate
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they practice karate
mój kot jest biały ale główkę ma czarną
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my cat is white but the head is black
one chodzą ze mną do szkoły
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they go to school with me
mój ojciec się do mnie przytula
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my father hugs me
ona jest gruba
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she's fat
on jest piękny
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he is beautiful
oni są podstępni
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they are sneaky
zmieniamy temat naszej pięknej lekcji
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we're changing the topic of our beautiful lesson
wstaje z łóżka o 8
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gets up from bed at 8
ubieram się o w pół do 10
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I dress in half past nine
idę do szkoły o 9:00
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I'm going to school at 9:00
jem lunch o 10
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I'm having lunch at 10
biorę prysznic o 18
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I take a shower at 6 pm
idę spać o 20
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I'm going to sleep at 8pm
wracam do domu o 14:30
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I come back home at half past two
myje zęby o 9:15
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I brush my teeth at quarter past nine
oglądam telewizję o 19
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I watch TV at 7 pm
pomagam mamie gotować o 15:30
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I help my mother cooking at half past three
zmieniamy temat
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we change the subject
czy coś się boli?
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does something hurt?
dobrze się bawisz?
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having fun?
czy ty mnie lubisz?
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do you like me?
gdzie mieszkasz?
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where do you live?
na pokątnej
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on a diagonal
ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
mam 128 lat
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i am 128 years old
umiesz pływać?
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can you swim?
jak masz na imię?
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what's your name?
mam na imię żóbr
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My name is Żóbr
bardzo cie nie lubię
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I don't like you very much
ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
mam 68
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I'm 12345 years old
a ja mam 6743 lat
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and I'm 6743 years old
czy ty mnie kochasz?
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do you love me?
nie nie kocham cię
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no i don't love you
czy lubisz szkołę?
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do you like school
nie ale bardziej niż ciebie
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no but more than you
czy ty jesteś fajny, fajna
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are you cool
ja jestem fajny, fajna
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I am cool, cool
a ja nie jestem fajny
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and I'm not cool
zmiana tematu
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change of subject
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a cinema
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zmiana tematu
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change of subject
czy lubisz minecraft blow
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do you like minecraft blow
nie nie lubię
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no I do not like
czy nie lubisz miałczeć
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don't you like meadows
co ty gadasz lubie
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what are you talking like

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