Elinga 14th Oct 2015

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Aš tikiuosi, kad jūs esate ne piktas su manimi.
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I hope you're not angry with me.
Aš piktas ant taves.
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I'm angry WITH/AT you.
Aš nusipirkau ją vakar
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I bought it yesterday
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to look FOR sth
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to hang up
Aš negaliu priprasti prie jo.
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I can't get used to it.
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at weekends / on weekends
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in the evening
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to take notes
praktika daro puikus
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practice makes perfect
tai laiko klausimas
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it's a matter of time
Nuėjau namo.
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I went home.
vėliau / tada
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later / then
Filmas prasidėjo šiek tiek vėliau.
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The film started a bit later.
Aš neturiu planai savaitgaliui.
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I don't HAVE plans FOR the weekend.
darbo dienomis
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on weekdays
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tai dažnai pasitaikanti klaida
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it's a common mistake
greitai pasimatysime
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see you soon

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