ejercicio 2

 0    6 fiche    aliciagalvezgomez
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question réponse
I had pasta whith tomatoe and mushroom__________ for dinner *ripe, take a break, trust, take a part, sauce, traffic light*
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These bananas aren't_______ enought to eat. They're... *ripe, take part, trust, sauce, take a break, traffic light*
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They haven't stopped studyng. Why don't they______? *ripe, take part, trust, sauce, take a break, traffic lights*
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take a break
Your project is great, can I______ of it? *ripe, take part, trust, sauce, take a break, traffic light*
commencer à apprendre
take part
Jack is honet. You can______ him *ripe, take part, trust, sauce, take a break, traffic lights*
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Go straight on Victoria street and turn left at the second_______ *ripe, take part, trust, sauce, take a break, traffic light*
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traffic light

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