either neither both

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question réponse
vuoi caffe o te? niente
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do you want coffee or tea? Neither
non ho letto nessuno di questi libri
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I have not read either of these books
nessuno dei miei genitori è inglese
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neither of my parents is English
paul ha due sorelle. tutte e due sono sposate
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Paul has two sisters. Both of them are married
Sue e io non abbiamo mangiato niente. Nessuno di noi era affamato
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Sue and I, didn't eat anything. Neither of us was hungry
ci sono due quadri sul muro. non mi piace nessuno di loro.
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there are two pictures on the wall. I don't like either of them.
ho invitato paul e susan alla festa, ma nessuno di loro venne
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I invited Paul and Susan to the party, but neither of them came
quale giacca preferisci? quella rossa o quella gialla. Non mi piace nessuna delle due
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Which jacket do you prefer, the red one or the yellow one? I do not like either of them
lavori o studi? entrambi
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do you work or study? both of them
tutti e due sono sposati
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both of them are married
nessuno dei due è sposato
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neither of them is married

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