Economic sector in Poland

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question réponse
employment structure
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struktura zatrudnienia
percentage share
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udział procentowy
GDP creation structure
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struktura tworzenia PKB
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wide range of services
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szeroko rozumiane usługi
within the 3rd sector
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wśród 3 sektora
to distinguish
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rozróżniać / odróżniać
be examined through the analysis of both ... and...
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zbadać poprzez analizę zarówno ..., jak i...
employees hired = people employed
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zatrudnieni pracownicy (2)
to what extent
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w jakim stopniu
to reflect
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value added
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wartość dodana
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bardzo ważny, kluczowy
to indicate
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considerable = significant
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znaczący, duży (np. problem)
overpopulation = overcrowding
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przeludnienie (2)
the national economy
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gospodarka narodowa
the reverse = opposite situation
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odwrotna sytuacja (2)
affirmative action
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ze musi byc zatrudnione 30% kobiet

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