dzień noc pory dnia

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nad ranem, o świcie, o poranku
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at dawn
o wschodzie słońca
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at sunrise
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w godzinach porannych
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durning morning
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in the morning
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south, noon
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afternoon, in the afternoon
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evening, in the evening, durning the evening
zachód słońca, o zachodzie słońca
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sunset, at sunset
północ, o północy
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midnight, at midnight
wczesny, późny
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early, late
pierwsza rzecz z samego rana
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first thing in the morning
Od rana do nocy, od rana do wieczora
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From morning to night, from morning to evening
Reszta poranka
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Rest of the morning
Popołudniowa drzemka
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Afternoon nap
wolne popołudnie
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free afternoon, the afternoon off
spędzić wieczór
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spend the evening
Piękny wieczór
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a lovely evening
W środku nocy
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In the middle of the night
cała noc
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all night long
wieczór na mieście
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a night out

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