dyrga | norskkurs 3 (A2)

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question réponse
Jeg vil det
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I want to
Vil du ha noe?
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Do you want anything?
jeg liker kaffe
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I like coffee
hvor står stolen
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where is the chair
Spiser du med oss?
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Are you eating with us?
Liker du kaffe med melk?
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Do you like coffe with milk?
Vi spiser et jordbær og en tomat
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We are eating a strawberry and a tomat
Han står utenfor
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He is standing outside
Det er te i koppen
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There is te in the cup
Har du mer melk
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Do you have more milk
Hva bestiller hun?
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What is she ordering?
Jeg har et bord på kafeen
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I have a table at the cafe

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