Dyrga lessons 7 | P1

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question réponse
å kle på seg
commencer à apprendre
to get dressed
å se ut
commencer à apprendre
to look
commencer à apprendre
å bestå av
commencer à apprendre
to consist of
en geitost
commencer à apprendre
goat cheese
commencer à apprendre
å smake på
commencer à apprendre
to taste
commencer à apprendre
full (up)
i morges, i dag tidlig
commencer à apprendre
today morning
å overnatte
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to sleep over [nocowac ]
en svømmehall
commencer à apprendre
swimming pool
i området
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in the area (w okolicy)
å sjekke
commencer à apprendre
to check
i de siste dagene
commencer à apprendre
in the last days
etter en stund
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after a while
vel bekomme
commencer à apprendre
enjoy your meal
det høres godt ut
commencer à apprendre
it's sounds good
med kontant
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by cash
Det regner fortsatt, så vi må vente litt før vi går ut.
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It is still raining, so we have to wait a bit before going outside.
en havregrøt
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et pålegg
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dodatki / s
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en lønnesirup
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maple syrup
å snakke i telefonen
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to talk on the phone
å stille vekkerklokka
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to set the alarm clock
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commencer à apprendre
Etter lunsj har han fri i en time.
commencer à apprendre
After lunch he has an hour off.
Da spiser han varm mat og drikker mye kaffe.
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Then he eats hot food and drinks a lot of coffee.
Karlos skal ut
commencer à apprendre
Karlog is going out
å ha lite plass
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to have a little space
å ha dårlig tid
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to have a little time
å vekke
commencer à apprendre
to wake up somebody
å legge seg
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to lie down
å legge
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to lay
å føne håret
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to dry hair
å krølle håret
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to curl the hair
å gå på forelesning
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to go to a lecture [wyklad]
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if [jeśli]
å ta seg en øl
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to take a beer
å komme seg til
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to get to
el sparkesykkel
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utenfor kinoen
commencer à apprendre
na zewnatrz przed kinem
å skyne seg
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to rush
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om dagen
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during the day
i morges, i dag tidlig
commencer à apprendre
today morning
commencer à apprendre
er glad i - å like veldig godt
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is fond of - to like very much
ei mugge
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pitcher [dzbanek ]
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exhausting [męczący ]
å anbefale
commencer à apprendre
to reccomend

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