DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp

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question réponse
Szybciej, Śmigacz, szybciej!
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Faster, Launchpad, faster!
Wolniej, Śmigacz, wolniej!
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Slower, Launchpad, slower!
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Let's see!
To jest mapa
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It's a map
Zgadza się, Merlocku
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That's right, Merlock
A teraz daj mi ją!
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And now give it to me!
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Mapa. Daj mi ją
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The map. Give it to me
Za dużo ludzi, Merlocku
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Too many people, Merlock
Niczego nie widzę, Wujku Sknerusie
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I don't see anything, Uncle Scrooge
To nie moja wina
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It's not my fault
Patrzcie na to!
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Look at this!
W porządku. Idziemy!
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All right. Let's go!
Idź dalej, Dijon
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Keep going, Dijon
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The treasure!
Dawaj, Dijon!
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Come on, Dijon!
Pieniądze, rubiny, diamenty! Lampa!
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The money, the rubies, the diamonds! The lamp!
To nie brzmi jak Wujek Sknerus
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That doesn't sound like Uncle Scrooge
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Cóż, gdzie to jest?
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Well, where is it?
Gdzie jest lampa?!
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Where is the lamp?!
Nie martw się, Merlocku
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Don't worry, Merlock
Nie czekaj!
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Don't wait!
Gdzie są wszyscy?
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Where's everybody?
Co to takiego?
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What's that?
Ale co z pana obiadem?
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But what about your lunch?
Sprzedaj go!
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Sell it!
Dzięki, Babuniu
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Thanks, Granny
Dzięki za ostrzeżenie
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Thanks for the warning
To dżin, czyż nie?
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It's a genie, isn't it?
Nie jest to wróżka zębuszka
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It's not the tooth fairy
Kim wy jesteście?
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Who are you?
Gdzie jest Collie Baba?
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Where's Collie Baba?
Czekaj! Wracaj!
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Wait! Come back!
Co jest nie tak?
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What's wrong?
To nasza niania
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It's our nanny
Nie ma mowy!
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No way!
Może nie
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Maybe not
W takim razie co się dzieje?
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Then what's going on?
Co to było takiego?
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What was that?
Kto to jest?
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Who is this?
Umieram z głodu
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I'm starving
Mam wezwać policję?
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Should I call the police?
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We're back!
Witajcie w domu!
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Welcome home!
To on!
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It's him!
Nie teraz, Webby
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Not now, Webby
Fuj! Nienawidzę szczurów!
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Yuck! I hate rats!
To nie jest dom. To zoo!
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This isn't a house. It's a zoo!
Nie mogę. To było moje ostatnie życzenie
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I can't. That was my last wish

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