DT 21.12.2023

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question réponse
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awaria, niesprawność, błąd systemu, przekłamanie sygnału, usterka, defekt
provide (someone with something)
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zaopatrzyc kogos w cos, dostarczyc komus cos, “przedstawic”, poinformowac
provide me with accurate data
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dostarcz mi wlasciwe dane
Please provide me with accurate contact list and accurate till version of the program.
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Proszę o dokładną listę kontaktów i dokładną wersję programu.
Please provide further information.
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far – further – the furthest
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We provide excellent customer care to our shops.
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W naszych sklepach zapewniamy doskonałą obsługę klienta.
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doswiadczac, doswiadczenie
we’ve been experiencing
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„od jakiegos czasu doswiadczamy” We experienced problems with internet connection yesterday. We’ve (recently) experienced problems with internet connection.
The problems with internet connection caused a nervous day. The nervous atmosphere was caused by the problems with internet connection.
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I had a delay in leaving work.
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opóżniać, opóźnienie
the problem persists
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nie znikać
problem pozostaje, nie znika
keep someone updated on something
Keep me updated on the situation.
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informować kogos na bieżąco
prompt response
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= fast answer, fast reaction
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It makes life easier.
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To ułatwia życie.

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