druga kolumna

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question réponse
to czas na
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it's time for
o nie! znowu?!
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Oh no! not again?!
do zobaczenia
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See you later
brzmi nieźle
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I like the sound of that
głowa do góry
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keep your chin up
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Poor you
bujam w obłokach
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I've got my head in the clouds
to okazja
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it's a bargain
to moja wina
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it's my fault
to nie dla mnie
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they're not my sort of things
zdrów jak ryba
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as fit as a fiddle
tryskać energią
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full of beans
zaraz uderzysz w...
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you're about to hit...
nie martw się!
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don't worry
powinienem porozmawiać z...
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I'd better talk to...
robię wszystko co w mojej mocy
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I'm doing my best
bardzo mi przykro
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I'm ever so sorry
do zobaczenia
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See you!
to świetny pomysł
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that's a great idea
czemu nie?
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why not?
mam tremę
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I've got butterflies in my stomach
spójrz na to
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take a look at it
dziękuję za pomoc
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Thank you for helping me
wykorzystaj to jak najlepiej
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make the best of it
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they're off
owacja dla sue
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three cheers for sue

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