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a hospital
idż prosto
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go straight
skręć w lewa
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turn left
skręć w prawo
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turn right
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Post Office
skręć w prawo na końcu ulicy
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turn right at the end of the street
skręć w lewo na światłach
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turn left at the traffic lights
Idź prosto do świateł a potem skręć w lewo
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Go straight to the traffic lights and then turn left
miń posterunek policji
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pass the police station
miń stadion i skręć w prawo
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pass the stadium and turn right
drugie skrzyżowanie i skręć w lewo
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second intersection and turn left
skrzyżowanie dróg, rozdroże
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crossroads, crossroads
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a library
jak dość do najbliżeszej apteki?
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how do I get to the nearest pharmacy?
jak dojść do piekarni?
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how to get to the bakery?
szukam wypozyczalni samochodów
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I'm looking for a car rental
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I got lost
jak najlepiej dojść do dworca?
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what is the best way to get to the station?
szukam tego adresu
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I am looking for this adress
Musi się pani cofnąć
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You need to step back
Musi się pani cofnąć
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You have to go back
proszę zawrocić
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please turn around
proszę zawrocić
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Turn back
proszę iść wzdłuż ulicy
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please go along the street
blisko / niedaleko
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pod mostem jest restauracja
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there is a restaurant under the bridge
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przykro mi, ale nie znam tej ulicy
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I'm sorry, but I don't know this street
to za długa droga, aby iść pieszo
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it's too long a way to walk
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naprzeciw dworca jest hotel
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there is a hotel opposite the station
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in front of
szukam tego adresu
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I am looking for this adress
czy to daleko?
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is it far?
to jest za rogiem.
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it's around the corner.
to jest daleko stąd
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it is far from here
proszę iść prosto
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please go straight
proszę iść prosto!
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go straight ahead!
to nie jest daleko
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it is not far away
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proszę iść zgodnie z drogowskazem w kierunku centrum
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please follow the sign for the center
przykro mi, przepraszam
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I'm sorry
przykro mi, ale nie znam tej okolicy
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I'm sorry, but I don't know this area
jechać lewą stroną
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drive on the left side
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objazd, zmiana kierunku (np. w czasie remontu)
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roboty drogowe
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road works ahead
ulica jednokierunkowa
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one-way street
trzymaj się lewej strony
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keep left
idzie pani złą stroną
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you are going the wrong way
chcę dojść do ulicy...
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I want to get to the street...
chcę dojść do ulicy...
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I have to go to street...
jak się dostanę do...?
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How do I get to ...?
niech pani idzie prosto
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please go straight on
Musi pani iść w lewo na następnym skrzyżowaniu
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You have to go left at the next crossroads
to tutaj
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it's here
to jest tuż za rogiem
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it's around the corner
przejście dla pieszych
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a pedestrian crossing
ograniczenie prędkości
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a speed limit
stacja benzynowa
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a petrol station
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a motorway
znak drogowy
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traffic sign
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to jest obok...
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it is next to...
czy jest w pobliżu bank?
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is there a bank nearby here?
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a roundabout
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a pedestrian
Ja niewiem
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I don't know
Ja też jestem tu obcy
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I am also a stranger here
jak dostanę się na lotnisko?
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how do i get to the airport?
Ta droga prowadzi na lotnisko
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This road goes to the airport
czy możesz mnie zawieźć jutro rano na lotnisko?
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can you drive me to the airport tomorrow morning?
Który autobus jedzie na lotnisko?
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Which bus goes to the airport?
Jaki jest najszybszy sposób, aby dostać się stąd na dworzec?]
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What's the fastest way to get to the station from here?
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the fastest
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a junction
pas dla rowerów
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bicycle lane
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the best
jak daleko jest z hotelu na stok narciarski?
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how far is it from the hotel to the ski slope?
Gdzie teraz jesteśmy?
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Where are we now?
czy to daleko?
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is it far?
stok narciarski
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a ski slope
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a lorry
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an underground
punkt naprawy
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repair point
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jak dojść?
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how to get there?
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railway platform
postój taksówek
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a taxi rank

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