Dominik 4th Feb (45min)

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sumienny uczeń
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a diligent student
Spotkajmy się w piątek wieczorem.
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Let's catch up / meet up on Friday night.
Nie jestem pewny.
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I'm not sure.
robić coś od zera
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to do sth from scratch
złapać coś
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to catch something - caught
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przynieść coś
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to bring something - brought
uczyć (kogoś)
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to teach (somebody) - taught
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to fight - fought
Co lubi twoja mama?
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What doeS your mum like?
codziennie rano
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every morning
w weekend
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on the weekend
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Are you joking?
Zapomniałem do niej zadzwonić.
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I forgot to call her.
Poprosiłem go, żeby do niej zadzwonił.
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I asked him TO call her.
Poprosili nas, żebyśmy zostali dłużej.
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They asked us TO stay longer.
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to sew - sewed - sewn
maszyna do szycia
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a sewing machine
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a needle
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robić na drutach / dziać
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to knit
My mum knitted this hat for me.
Umiesz robić na drutach?
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Can you knit?
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a flood
literówka / błąd w pisowni
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a typo
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to whistle
przestań gwizdać
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stop whistling
na początku
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at the beginning
autobus piętrowy
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a double decker
pod koniec maja
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at the end of May
Byłem wtedy na 3 roku.
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I was in year three then.
ojciec chrzestny
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a godfather
zwiedzać (atrakcje turystyczne)
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to go sightseeing
There was no time to go sightseeing in Seattle.
kiedy królowa jeszcze żyła
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when the queen was still alive
koncert na żywo
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a live concert

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