Dominik 17th Jan(45 min)

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a wheel
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to use - used
15-letni chłopiec
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a 15-year-old boy
10-letnia dziewczynka
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a 10-year-old girl
Ona ma 10 lat.
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She is 10 (years old).
Pomóż mi
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Help me.
Myślę, że powinieneś pomóc swojej siostrze.
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I think you should help your sister.
bezdomny człowiek
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a homeless man
bezdomni (ludzie)
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homeless people / the homeless
biedni (ludzie)
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poor people / the poor
daj mi to
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give it TO me
Ona dała mi książkę.
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She gave me a book.
dać komuś radę / poradzić komuś coś
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to give somebody advice
płyn do dezynfekcji rąk
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hand sanitizer
chusteczki higieniczne
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samochód mojego taty
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my dad's car
trzymać się planu
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to stick with a plan
W niedzielę poszedłem na basen.
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ON Sunday I went to THE pool.
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a gym
I go to the gym three times a week.
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a slip of the tnogue
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hold on / wait / bear with me
to zależy
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it depends (ON sth)
od ... do...
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from ... to...
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that's why
Pada deszcz, dlatego zostanę w domu.
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It's raining that's why I'll stay at home.
dlatego będę pracować z domu
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that's why I'll work from home
niektórzy ludzie
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some people
mieć kłopoty
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have a trouble
I have trouble falling asleep.
idź spać
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go TO sleep
nocny marek
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a night owl
ranny ptaszek
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an early bird
pojechać pod namiot
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to go camping

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