Dominik 13th May (45 min)

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Skoro mowa o deszczu,...
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Speaking of rain,...
Patrz, pada deszcz.
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Look, it's raining.
Leje (deszcz).
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It's pouring (down).
na szczęście
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Luckily, I am a good swimmer.
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lift BrE / elevator AmE
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Poszedłem schodami.
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I took the stairs.
wstawać złóżka
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to get up
What time did you get up?
Ona jest po siedemdziesiątce.
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She is in her late seventies.
Ona/On jest po dwudziestce.
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She is in HER twenties. / He is in HIS twenties.
in his / her early / mid / late twenties
Twoja mama ma prawie 50 lat.
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Your mum is in her late forties.
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a decade
dać komuś pięć funtów
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give away five pounds
Podzielił się z nami swoim jedzeniem.
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He shared his food with us.
dzielić coś z kimś
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to share sth with sb
Czy możesz podzielić się ze mną swoimi zdjęciami z wakacji?
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Can you share your holiday photos with me?
to wina mojej mamy
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it's my mum's fault
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