Dog Hair Clothes

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zamienić coś w coś
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to turn sth into sth
I turn dog hair into wonderful things.
pewnego dnia
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one day
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to brush
One day I was brushing one of my dogs and...
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to think - thought - thought
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wrzeciono (do przędzenia ręcznego)
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a spindle
robić coś dalej
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to keep going
na świecie
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in the world
najłatwiejsza rzecz na świecie
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the easiest thing in the world
rzeczy / produkty
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I sell items from my Etsy shop.
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a sweater
owinąć / otulić czymś
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to wrap up with sth
Make sure you wrap up warmly if you're going out. (NiV)
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a scarf
miłośnik psów
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a dog lover
zagrażać komuś / czemuś
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to endanger sb/sth
upawiać / hodować (np. zwierzęta na wsi)
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to farm
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dbać o kogoś / o coś
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to take care of sb/sth
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to pass / to pass away
When people send me hair from dogs that have passed.
trzymać się czegoś kurczowo
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to hang on to sth
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pocieszający / podnoszący na duchu
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pochodzić od, wywodzić się z
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to be descended from
I am descended from knitters and dog lovers.
żyć jak w bajce
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to live the dream / to live one's dream
I'm living my dream.

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