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a thing that is regarded as more important than another (priorytet)
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using machines to do work that people normally do (automatyzacja)
driverless car
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a car without a driver (samochód bezzałogowy)
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done by machines and not people
freight train
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a train on which goods are transported (pociąg towarowy)
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the first version of something which can be tested before it is produced in large quantities (prototyp)
to load
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to put a load on or in something, e.g. a vehicle (załadować)
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a detachable or self-contained unit on an aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle, or vessel, having a particular function (tu: kapsuła)
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a hollow, usually cylindrical body of metal, glass, rubber, or other material (tuba)
maglev (train)
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type of train that is magnetically lifted and propelled by magnetic fields (kolej magnetyczna)
magnetic levitation
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the lifting of an object by means of magnetic forces (lewitacja magnetyczna)
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a vehicle that can fly (statek powietrzny, samolot)
energy efficient
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using little electricity, gas, etc. (energooszczędny)
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usual (standardowy, konwencjonalny)
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an empty space with no particles and no pressure (próżnia)
air resistance
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force that opposes the motion of objects that move through the air (opór powietrza)
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the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes (technologia
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noun: a regular journey of some distance to and from one's place of work (dojeżdżanie do pracy, szkoły...)
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amount (ilość)
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the act of losing someone or something (strata, utrata)
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receiving energy from the sun (zasilany energią słoneczną)

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