Do you...?

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question réponse
Lubię czekoladę A ty?
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I like chocolate How about you?
Lubisz czekoladę?
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Do you like chocolate?
Gram w tenisa A ty
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I play tennis How about you?
grasz w tenisa?
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do you play tennis?
mieszkasz tu blisko, a co z Lucy?
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you live near here How about Lucy?
Czy Lucy mieszka w pobliżu?
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Does Lucy live near here?
Tom gra w tenisa. Co z przyjaciółmi?
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Tom plays tennis How about his friends?
Czy grają w tenisa?
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Do they play tennis?
Mówisz po angielsku A co powiesz o swoim bracie?
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You speak English How aboute your brother?
Ona dużo odchodzi. A może Paul?
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She goes away a lot How about Paul?
Czy on dużo odchodzi?
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Does he? go away a lot
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I work
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you work
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we work
oni pracują
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they work
pracuje on
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he works
ona pracuje
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she works
to działa
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it works
Czy pracuję tutaj?
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Do I work here
Czy pracujemy tutaj?
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Do we work here?
Czy oni tu pracują?
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Do they work here?
Czy on pracuje w szkole?
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Does he work in school?
Czy ona pracuje 8 godzin dziennie?
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Does she work 8 hours a day?
Czy to działa teraz?
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Does it work now?
Czy grasz na gitarze?
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Do you play the guitar?
Czy twoi przyjaciele żyją tu w pobliżu?
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Do your friends live near here?
Czy on pracuje w niedziele?
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Does he work in Sundays?
Czy dużo pada?
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Does it rain a lot?
Gdzie żyją twoi rodzice?
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Where do your parents live?
Jak często chodzisz do kina?
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How often do you go to the cinema?
Jak często myjesz włosy?
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How often do you wash your hair?
Co znaczy to słowo?
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What does this word mean?
Ile to kosztuje lecieć do Rzymu?
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How much does it cost to fly to Rome?
Czy on zawsze pracuje w niedziele?
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Does he always work on Sondays?
Co zwykle robisz w weekendy
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What do you usually do at weekends
Czy lubią muzykę?
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Do they like music?
Czy on lubi muzykę?
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Does he like music?
No nie wiem
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No I don’t
Tak, robią
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Yes they do
Nie, ona nie
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No she doesn’t
jak najlepiej,
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do your best
zrób to sam
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do it yourself
zrób to proszę
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please do it
czy możesz powtórzyć?
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Can you repeat that?
czy możesz to zrobić
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Can you do this
czy możesz mi pomóc?
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can you help me?
on tego nie zrobił
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he did not do it
czy ona może to kupić
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can she buy it
czy my możemy tu usiąść
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can we sit here
czy ty możesz to przynieść
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can you bring it
on nie może tego jeść
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he can not eat it
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how much?
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czy on jest na łodzi
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is he on a boat
gdzie ona jest?
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where is she?
dlaczego nie?
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Why not?

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