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question réponse
Romania / Romanian market
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Rumunia / rynek rumuński
depend on
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zależeć od
clients are right
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klienci mają rację
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the same opinion
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ta sama opinia
As regards = regarding = when it comes to
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jeśli chodzi o
Therefore = that's why
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In the first place = firstly = first of all
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po pierwsze
for example = for instance
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na przykład
What's more / additionally
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Co więcej / dodatkowo
in fact / actually
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w rzeczywistości / faktycznie
on the whole / in general / generally speaking
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ogólnie rzecz biorąc
although = even though / despite the fact that
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chociaż / pomimo faktu, że
in other words
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innymi słowy
However / nevertheless
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Jednak / mimo wszystko
everyone has free will
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każdy ma wolną wolę
on the other hand
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z drugiej strony
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commencer à apprendre
I’d go along with that
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Zgodziłbym się z tym
You’re right to a certain extent, but...
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Do pewnego stopnia masz rację, ale...
drawback = disadvantage
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lighter punishment
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lżejsza kara
longer sentence
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dłuższy wyrok
be released from prison
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zostać zwolnionym z więzienia
take measures
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zapobiegać czemuś
impose penalties
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nakładać kary

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