dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

pchli targ Anglais:

1. flea market flea market

A flea market is a place, usually out of doors, selling used and second hand goods.
I love buying antiques at the flea market.

Anglais mot "pchli targ"(flea market) se produit dans des ensembles:

Shopping: Other words and phrases
matura focus 4 word list 04 the cost of living
Types of shops and services
Słownictwo: Zakupy i usługi 7
Zakupy i uslugi r angielski 8.10.2020

2. car boot sale car boot sale

You can buy a lot of funny things on the car boot sale.
We bought it at a car boot sale.

Anglais mot "pchli targ"(car boot sale) se produit dans des ensembles:

Listening and vocabulary unit 8

3. Swap meet Swap meet

Anglais mot "pchli targ"(Swap meet) se produit dans des ensembles:

walking dead