dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

metodą prób i błędów Anglais:

1. by trial and error by trial and error

They did their work by trial and error.
A large number of scientific discoveries have been found by trial and error.
It changes by trial and error.
I’m afraid nothing is certain in this life. You need to work things out for yourself by trial and error.

Anglais mot "metodą prób i błędów"(by trial and error) se produit dans des ensembles:

różne słówka do nauki
Moja lekcja unit 1-3
Dodatkowy inglisz
Kasia 1st Sept (45 min)
IKA - Unit 03

2. trial and error method

Anglais mot "metodą prób i błędów"(trial and error method) se produit dans des ensembles:

Angielski spr 29.05

3. trial and error

I found the answer by trial and error, which obviously took little more time.
Edison made a light bulb by trial and error. He carried out thousands of experiments before he succeeded.
There aren't any instructions with it - it's just a matter of trial and error.
Within a year of learning the game, mostly through trial and error, it became evident that Phiona had a special gift
There were lots of keys, but we found the right one by trial and error.
I learned that by trial and error
Most of their discoveries were made by trial and error.
The professor came up with the right proportions through trial and error.

4. through trial and error

Anglais mot "metodą prób i błędów"(through trial and error) se produit dans des ensembles:

Multiple choice cloze
słowka picasso mozart