dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

gniewne spojrzenie Anglais:

1. a look of anger

Anglais mot "gniewne spojrzenie"(a look of anger) se produit dans des ensembles:

Podstawowe zwroty i frazy część 7
Podstawowe zwroty i frazy 6
Podstawowe zwroty i frazy 6
Podstawowe zwroty i frazy 5
Podstawowe zwroty i frazy część 7

2. glare

The sudden glare hurt his eyes.
be in the glare of publicity
There's a lot of glare.
Diana glared at the waiter after he made a rude comment to her.
She glared at him accusingly.
... headed out into the glare.
She gave us a glare and left.
He didn't shout, he just glared at me silently.
I get a lot of glare from my computer screen.
The glare from the sun irritated my eyes.
a glare light
The headmaster glared at the frightened boys.
She glared him with a mirror.
I didn’t like the way my boss glared at me just then. I think I hadn’t done anything wrong.
I glare resentfully at the crimson letter, is this the infamous red-paper draft notice?

Anglais mot "gniewne spojrzenie"(glare) se produit dans des ensembles:

Moje słówka angielskie (87)