dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

dobry z czegoś Anglais:

1. be good at be good at

2. j am good at sport j am good at sport

3. good at good at

I’m really good at maths but I’m useless at history.
I’m not very good at repairing things.
I've never been good at sport.
He's very good at Maths.
I'm good at swimming.
I'm good at organising things. What career options do I have?
Gill’s very good at sports.
Bob is good at maths
Everyone's naturally good at loughing
Which sports are you good at?
he was good at php

4. good at something good at something

Anglais mot "dobry z czegoś"(good at something) se produit dans des ensembles:

Ignacy str. 47